you know, yo ugo up to a random person and say hello in an RPG they just start talking about things, HOW MUCH EASIER LIFE WOULD BE IF YOU COULD MEET PEOPLE LIKE THISyou see an attractive person, you go and say hay and they start talking, ICE BROKEN Wouldnt it be nice if people talked like ...
You mean roleplay? People already do that lol!Wouldnt it be nice if people talked like ...
''I heard the sword was buried under a giant tree in the north!''
Me: Thanks, random guy I've never seen before, I'll go and get that then.
Interesting and umm yeah, that would be nice. Now, would you get multiple choice phrases to choose from to reply and keep the conversation going. ? j/k :)
[QUOTE=''Jandurin'']hahaha ''I heard the sword was buried under a giant tree in the north!'' Me: Thanks, random guy I've never seen before, I'll go and get that then.[/QUOTE] LMAO!But seriously, yah that would RULE!!
[QUOTE=''SecretPolice'']Now, would you get multiple choice phrases to choose from to reply and keep the conversation going. ? j/k :)[/QUOTE]
Pfft. I would hate to be stuck in some lame conversation-choice WRPG.
[QUOTE=''Jandurin''][QUOTE=''SecretPolice''] Now, would you get multiple choice phrases to choose from to reply and keep the conversation going. ? j/k :)[/QUOTE] Pfft. I would hate to be stuck in some lame conversation-choice WRPG.[/QUOTE]No choices of what to say popped up for me to choose from ?'' sitting silent hoping the glitch cures itself so I don't have to re-boot. ''
*Runs into random guys house* *steals treasure* *eat food* *leaves*
....oh boy >_>
[QUOTE=''Tulak_Hord'']....oh boy >_>[/QUOTE] love the gamertag, enjoying tales of vesperia? D:
[QUOTE=''supermechakirby''][QUOTE=''Tulak_Hord'']....oh boy >_>[/QUOTE] love the gamertag, enjoying tales of vesperia? D: [/QUOTE] The pic is Fugue from Eternal Sonata, but I do love Tales of vesperia. It is probably one of my fave RPG's on the 360.
You don't need that to break the ice... Just need a friend, with which you got something to say, and incorporate her in your talking... Then she thinks : ''That guy really has something to say, he may be good in the bed!''. Then you say thanx to your friend and go home with the chick.
[QUOTE=''supermechakirby''] you know, yo ugo up to a random person and say hello in an RPG they just start talking about things, HOW MUCH EASIER LIFE WOULD BE IF YOU COULD MEET PEOPLE LIKE THIS you see an attractive person, you go and say hay and they start talking, ICE BROKEN [/QUOTE] Um.. hate to burst your bubble, but that's how things are done in real life as well.
Maybe, but imagine WoW spilled out into the real world, you'd have tons of naked humans and nightelves walking up to you, dancing and asking for ''2g plzzzzzzzzzz'' :?
[QUOTE=''Snugenz'']Maybe, but imagine WoW spilled out into the real world, you'd have tons of naked humans and nightelves walking up to you, dancing and asking for ''2g plzzzzzzzzzz'' :?[/QUOTE]
Sounds hot.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
[QUOTE=''Jandurin''][QUOTE=''Snugenz'']Maybe, but imagine WoW spilled out into the real world, you'd have tons of naked humans and nightelves walking up to you, dancing and asking for ''2g plzzzzzzzzzz'' :?[/QUOTE] Sounds hot.[/QUOTE]Male humans and Night Elves ?:P
[QUOTE=''xsubtownerx''][QUOTE=''supermechakirby''] you know, yo ugo up to a random person and say hello in an RPG they just start talking about things, HOW MUCH EASIER LIFE WOULD BE IF YOU COULD MEET PEOPLE LIKE THISyou see an attractive person, you go and say hay and they start talking, ICE BROKEN [/QUOTE] Um.. hate to burst your bubble, but that's how things are done in real life as well.[/QUOTE]Thats what i was thinking lol. TC, i dont think its a problem with the world, I think its just a problem with you. Build some confidence, then you'll be able to talk to whoever you want, and unless they have extremely low self-esteem, they'll chat back. If not, their loss.
[QUOTE=''Snugenz''][QUOTE=''Jandurin''][QUOTE=''Snugenz'']Maybe, but imagine WoW spilled out into the real world, you'd have tons of naked humans and nightelves walking up to you, dancing and asking for ''2g plzzzzzzzzzz'' :?[/QUOTE] Sounds hot.[/QUOTE]Male humans and Night Elves ?:P [/QUOTE]
Less hot. :lol:
Espically if there are exploits! :D (''Hey remember that fiver you owe me?'' Gold = gold + 5. Error no valid response found, reinitiating loop.)Or mabye Fable style. Continuosly make stupid geatures, and then score.
Friday, April 16, 2010
PS2 v. Xbox v. GC battles more fierce th ...
TopicDon't be deceived by my Level 1 Status... I have been around Gamespot since early 2004, just decided to remove the ''PS2'' part from my name and go with my XBL Gamertag... see some conflict already?Anyway, I haven't really been around the current-gen ''system wars'' boards very long but i spent a huge amount of time previously defending my PS2 against the xbox and GC fanboys. I'm a Microsoft fan, not yet fanboy, this generation and was just wondering how much more/less blood is spilled this gen. compared to last.
360 Developer: Hitting Graphical Limit B ...
Major Nelson recently interviewed Mark Terrano, a video game programmer and Design Director for Hidden Path Entertainment on the progress of the industry from a technological point view, and specifically his evaluation of the current generations technical achievements and limitations for the Xbox 360 XBLA games.
Transcript of Segment in Interview
Major: Looking back on all the work you've done in the industry, are you surprised at where you are today in terms of technology or do you see alot of power in the box to be unlocked - specifically for the Xbox 360..
Developer: I think we've really pushed where we can go graphically, I think realism is losing some of the luster - I would love to see some work done on what we call ''non-photo realistic rendering'', paint-related techniques, we do things you can do in movies but I'm more interested in what you can't do in movies...
Major: Interesting..
Developer. I thought it was sad that we had to let the Matrix to show how fun Bullet-Time could be, we (developers) have control of the camera, we have control of the content, we're not limited by lenses etc, we (the industry) can do alot more things to draw the players attention to tell a story that haven't been discovered by movie camera's.
Major: Interesting, I never really thought of it like that. Why keep pushing the photo-realism that you could do more things to make the gameplay more effective.
Developer: Right. And I think the bar could be alot higher with animation and A.I, the things really cue into when interacting with an environment to make it more believable, to just make the characters - the scenes, we interact with more fun. We're seeing really good physics now, we all know how much fun it is to drive and smash cars in BURNOUT and do alot of things to make it more fun with the physics..etc Developer: Hitting Graphical Limit B ...
Xbox Live Arcade developer...rriiiiggghhhttt..360 Developer: Hitting Graphical Limit B ...
Yeah, graphical limitations for Xbox Live Arcade games, not the entire thing :
|Balls. The 360's barely been out 3 years, it hasn't hit it's graphical limit.
If every game can't look better then what Gears 2 will look like, so what?
I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''
I believe BOTH Gears 2 and RE5 are pushing the console, visually. I don't see much improving after those 2..but he makes good points on animation and A.I which are important for GOOD gameplay, IMO.
[QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE]isnt he talking about xbox live arcade? :
|[QUOTE=''thrones'']Yeah, graphical limitations for Xbox Live Arcade games, not the entire thing :|[/QUOTE]I will take it one step further. The TC is taking two totally unrelated comments, assuming ''we have really pushed the graphics'' means ''we've hit the limit'' and then combined those comments to create a totally misleading and deceitful thread.I'm a PS3 fan, and I also think the 360 will have hit its graphical max this year...but this thread is BS and a total distortion. The developer has not even come close to saying what the TC claims.
How big of a technological leap is Gears 2 over the original?
Tsunoda: They're just masters at upping the ante on the technology every go round. It's funny, a lot of people ask, ''At this point in the life cycle, how much of the capabilities of the hardware are you using on this project?'' And the funny thing about game developers is that we're going to use 100% of the hardware capabilities. You're always taxing out the machine to its fullest extent. The thing Epic is really great at is the pipe is [only so big] and it's how much more stuff can they cram into that pipe with their technology advancements in every version of the game. What was once not possible on the 360 -- yeah, now that's all in Gears 2.
Some developers will make technology for the sake for technology. [Epic] is really good at building technology for better gameplay... Like the destructible environments. It's really complex thing to pull of technically, but it adds a lot to the gameplay for Gears. It's not just a technical showcase, it's enhancing the gameplay.
your ownage threads are weak and easy to destroy cow.
[QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE] mass effect?
No where does he state the xbox360 is at its limit in terms of graphics. He said pushng for realism is at its limit.
[QUOTE=''clone01''] [QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE] mass effect?[/QUOTE]Bioshock?
I think you have slightly misinterpreted the words of the developer. He says that we have pushed graphics. In other words this is where the emphasis has been, not that we have pushed graphics as far as they will go (although he may imply this slightly). He says that this approach is losing its luster, which I would interpret as meaning that we are beginning to suffer from diminishing returns, where greater and greater effort is necessary to significantly improve graphics.I believe he is saying (as I believe) that redirecting some of that effort to improving AI (for instance) would give better returns in terms of game quality.
I'd actually want that to happen a bit, but i guess the wii is already heading down that path.
Dude, if gears2 happens to be the graphical limit of X360, then its more than enough for me. I mean Gears2 looks freaking fantastic!
XBLA games...:
|[QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE]well not supposedly. pretty much every multiplatfor developer has said its easier. also GTA4 was delayed because of the PS3!
[QUOTE=''thrones''] Xbox Live Arcade developer...rriiiiggghhhttt..[/QUOTE] That developer clear has never seen Gears 2 or even Gears 1 i think
[QUOTE=''clone01''] [QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE] mass effect?[/QUOTE]Thats what I was gonna ink cartridges
Transcript of Segment in Interview
Major: Looking back on all the work you've done in the industry, are you surprised at where you are today in terms of technology or do you see alot of power in the box to be unlocked - specifically for the Xbox 360..
Developer: I think we've really pushed where we can go graphically, I think realism is losing some of the luster - I would love to see some work done on what we call ''non-photo realistic rendering'', paint-related techniques, we do things you can do in movies but I'm more interested in what you can't do in movies...
Major: Interesting..
Developer. I thought it was sad that we had to let the Matrix to show how fun Bullet-Time could be, we (developers) have control of the camera, we have control of the content, we're not limited by lenses etc, we (the industry) can do alot more things to draw the players attention to tell a story that haven't been discovered by movie camera's.
Major: Interesting, I never really thought of it like that. Why keep pushing the photo-realism that you could do more things to make the gameplay more effective.
Developer: Right. And I think the bar could be alot higher with animation and A.I, the things really cue into when interacting with an environment to make it more believable, to just make the characters - the scenes, we interact with more fun. We're seeing really good physics now, we all know how much fun it is to drive and smash cars in BURNOUT and do alot of things to make it more fun with the physics..etc Developer: Hitting Graphical Limit B ...
Xbox Live Arcade developer...rriiiiggghhhttt..360 Developer: Hitting Graphical Limit B ...
Yeah, graphical limitations for Xbox Live Arcade games, not the entire thing :
|Balls. The 360's barely been out 3 years, it hasn't hit it's graphical limit.
If every game can't look better then what Gears 2 will look like, so what?
I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''
I believe BOTH Gears 2 and RE5 are pushing the console, visually. I don't see much improving after those 2..but he makes good points on animation and A.I which are important for GOOD gameplay, IMO.
[QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE]isnt he talking about xbox live arcade? :
|[QUOTE=''thrones'']Yeah, graphical limitations for Xbox Live Arcade games, not the entire thing :|[/QUOTE]I will take it one step further. The TC is taking two totally unrelated comments, assuming ''we have really pushed the graphics'' means ''we've hit the limit'' and then combined those comments to create a totally misleading and deceitful thread.I'm a PS3 fan, and I also think the 360 will have hit its graphical max this year...but this thread is BS and a total distortion. The developer has not even come close to saying what the TC claims.
How big of a technological leap is Gears 2 over the original?
Tsunoda: They're just masters at upping the ante on the technology every go round. It's funny, a lot of people ask, ''At this point in the life cycle, how much of the capabilities of the hardware are you using on this project?'' And the funny thing about game developers is that we're going to use 100% of the hardware capabilities. You're always taxing out the machine to its fullest extent. The thing Epic is really great at is the pipe is [only so big] and it's how much more stuff can they cram into that pipe with their technology advancements in every version of the game. What was once not possible on the 360 -- yeah, now that's all in Gears 2.
Some developers will make technology for the sake for technology. [Epic] is really good at building technology for better gameplay... Like the destructible environments. It's really complex thing to pull of technically, but it adds a lot to the gameplay for Gears. It's not just a technical showcase, it's enhancing the gameplay.
your ownage threads are weak and easy to destroy cow.
[QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE] mass effect?
No where does he state the xbox360 is at its limit in terms of graphics. He said pushng for realism is at its limit.
[QUOTE=''clone01''] [QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE] mass effect?[/QUOTE]Bioshock?
I think you have slightly misinterpreted the words of the developer. He says that we have pushed graphics. In other words this is where the emphasis has been, not that we have pushed graphics as far as they will go (although he may imply this slightly). He says that this approach is losing its luster, which I would interpret as meaning that we are beginning to suffer from diminishing returns, where greater and greater effort is necessary to significantly improve graphics.I believe he is saying (as I believe) that redirecting some of that effort to improving AI (for instance) would give better returns in terms of game quality.
I'd actually want that to happen a bit, but i guess the wii is already heading down that path.
Dude, if gears2 happens to be the graphical limit of X360, then its more than enough for me. I mean Gears2 looks freaking fantastic!
XBLA games...:
|[QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE]well not supposedly. pretty much every multiplatfor developer has said its easier. also GTA4 was delayed because of the PS3!
[QUOTE=''thrones''] Xbox Live Arcade developer...rriiiiggghhhttt..[/QUOTE] That developer clear has never seen Gears 2 or even Gears 1 i think
[QUOTE=''clone01''] [QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme'']I believe it.. With the exception of the upcoming Gears 2, X360 hasn't had a big graphical update since the first Gears. And keep in mind X360 is supposedly ''easy to develop for.''[/QUOTE] mass effect?[/QUOTE]Thats what I was gonna say.
Name an old game that is still fun to pl ...
^topic. Also which platform is best for old games?For me it's starcraft and diablo2. Best platform for OLD games == PC.Name an old game that is still fun to pl ...
StarCraft is still amazingly fun to play. Playing Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights online is also still a blast. Natural Selection and Sven Co-op are still pretty entertaining... As for not on PC though, I'd have to say one of my favorites is Phantom Dust. I'm surprised people even play it online at all, but they do. Its pretty sweet.Name an old game that is still fun to pl ...
For me id say any final fantasy game, no matter what the game I have fun with it and the best platform for was the GB I can still pick up that thing and play some awesome old game =)EDIT: Also i forgot to add, I'm still playing WC3 for all the crazy and fun custom games :)
Lets see, off the top of my head...Doom IIDoomHereticHexenBloodShadow WarriorDuke Nukem 3dDescent 1Descent 2Half-LifeEdit: These are just pre 2000
Majora's Mask is still as fun as ever.
Planescape: Torment. I have beat that game on several occasions and to this day still find myself restarting.
Contra 3: The Alien Wars.It always gives me the action fix. Oh, and Symphony of the Night. Played through it again a few weeks ago and had an awesome time.
Platform best for old games would have to be the 16-bit era such as the SNES and Genesis. PC would seem like a good choice as well, but some software has problems installing on current Operating Systems.One game though...Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Still completely playable, still awesome and relevant in design.
Any of these lists:
Banjo Kazooie, Battletoads, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger and Donkey Kong Country 2.
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES and SMB3.
[QUOTE=''gamer620'']Planescape: Torment. I have beat that game on several occasions and to this day still find myself restarting.[/QUOTE] Funny you should mention that. I've been recently playing through Torment again. This time around I decided to be a murderous bastard. Chaotic Evil... FTW? :P
Sonic 2, NBA JAM TE and NHl94....LOZOOT SSB NFL Blitz....the old stuff is so much more FUN than the new stuff
See sig :)
Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's gate II. I would name a couple NES/SNES games a couple months ago but now I can't seem to play any of them lately without dozing off.
Super Mario World because its just that amazing. TMNT2:The arcade game for the nostalgia. i used to play the game as a kid with my cousin all the time and we used to have so much fun with it!
defintely oot is always fun to play
[QUOTE=''tmntPunchout'']Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES and SMB3. [/QUOTE]INSTANT, EPIC and HUGE Win.
[QUOTE=''IronBass''] [QUOTE=''tmntPunchout'']Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES and SMB3. [/QUOTE]INSTANT, EPIC and HUGE Win. [/QUOTE]Omg whoah! This game completely slipped my mind! This game is definitely amazing as well. I used to play this as well alongside TMNT2. I hope this game comes out on the virtual console! That and Tiny Toons: Trouble in Wackyland (Im pretty sure that was the name...)
Hehe, I just, minutes ago, finished Mega Man 4. It's a great and an old game that's still fun. Next up is Mega Man 3! :)
StarCraft is still amazingly fun to play. Playing Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights online is also still a blast. Natural Selection and Sven Co-op are still pretty entertaining... As for not on PC though, I'd have to say one of my favorites is Phantom Dust. I'm surprised people even play it online at all, but they do. Its pretty sweet.Name an old game that is still fun to pl ...
For me id say any final fantasy game, no matter what the game I have fun with it and the best platform for was the GB I can still pick up that thing and play some awesome old game =)EDIT: Also i forgot to add, I'm still playing WC3 for all the crazy and fun custom games :)
Lets see, off the top of my head...Doom IIDoomHereticHexenBloodShadow WarriorDuke Nukem 3dDescent 1Descent 2Half-LifeEdit: These are just pre 2000
Majora's Mask is still as fun as ever.
Planescape: Torment. I have beat that game on several occasions and to this day still find myself restarting.
Contra 3: The Alien Wars.It always gives me the action fix. Oh, and Symphony of the Night. Played through it again a few weeks ago and had an awesome time.
Platform best for old games would have to be the 16-bit era such as the SNES and Genesis. PC would seem like a good choice as well, but some software has problems installing on current Operating Systems.One game though...Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Still completely playable, still awesome and relevant in design.
Any of these lists:
Banjo Kazooie, Battletoads, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger and Donkey Kong Country 2.
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES and SMB3.
[QUOTE=''gamer620'']Planescape: Torment. I have beat that game on several occasions and to this day still find myself restarting.[/QUOTE] Funny you should mention that. I've been recently playing through Torment again. This time around I decided to be a murderous bastard. Chaotic Evil... FTW? :P
Sonic 2, NBA JAM TE and NHl94....LOZOOT SSB NFL Blitz....the old stuff is so much more FUN than the new stuff
See sig :)
Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's gate II. I would name a couple NES/SNES games a couple months ago but now I can't seem to play any of them lately without dozing off.
Super Mario World because its just that amazing. TMNT2:The arcade game for the nostalgia. i used to play the game as a kid with my cousin all the time and we used to have so much fun with it!
defintely oot is always fun to play
[QUOTE=''tmntPunchout'']Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES and SMB3. [/QUOTE]INSTANT, EPIC and HUGE Win.
[QUOTE=''IronBass''] [QUOTE=''tmntPunchout'']Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES and SMB3. [/QUOTE]INSTANT, EPIC and HUGE Win. [/QUOTE]Omg whoah! This game completely slipped my mind! This game is definitely amazing as well. I used to play this as well alongside TMNT2. I hope this game comes out on the virtual console! That and Tiny Toons: Trouble in Wackyland (Im pretty sure that was the name...)
Hehe, I just, minutes ago, finished Mega Man 4. It's a great and an old game that's still fun. Next up is Mega Man 3! :)
Have you ever defended a console that yo ...
I am the type of person who will defend any console if I hear a fanboyish comment like:My cousin (360 owner) ''the PS3 is stupid!''Me (don't really care for PS3) why because it doesn't play halo? *eyeroll*My cousin yeah! (funny because last gen he had a PS2)Does anyone else do this at all? Have you ever defended a console that yo ...
Even though I am disapointed with Nintendo's direction this gen, I still have to defend the Wii against all my dumb friends (Its not that I don't like the Wii, am just disapointed at the lack of good games for it)
Have you ever defended a console that yo ...
I like all the consoles, but I always defend consoles as soon as I see a pattern of a certain console bashing.For example, if some people are picking on the Wii, I would be more than happy to show people the positive side of things, despite the negatives that I may agree with on them.
All the time. Im a heavy PC gamer and dislike all 3 consoles for different reasons.But i've defend all 3 in cases of misinformation.
sometimes, especially when the bashing has really stupid arguments...
Yes, I only have a PS3, lost my interest for the Wii and never cared about the 360. But like the other guys above I defend them from pointless fanboy coments at some times.
Only against false assumptions, lies or opinions that people try to pass on as fact.If someone is criticizing a system I don't like with a good factual argument then well, I applaud them.
all the time. i even bashed my own console of choice because it was funny
yeah If I hear completly stupied comments about any system I defend it because It makes the bashed console look bad and the console that the basher owns look bad. In the end everyone looks bad and like lifeless fanboys
Yes. I even bash the 360, even though it is my ideal console of choice!
[QUOTE=''starmetroid''] I am the type of person who will defend any console if I hear a fanboyish comment[/QUOTE]Wow, thats a little ironic!First of all, I never use the term ''F***oy. Second, why should I care what another person prefers or believes in? So, no!
Not really. I don't care if people bash or praise the Wii. I don't like it, some people don't like it, and some people do. I accept it and move on.
Well, I like all consoles, but I like the 360 the least and I defend it all the time.Of course, I still like it, so that's probably why. :P
[QUOTE=''XaosII'']All the time. Im a heavy PC gamer and dislike all 3 consoles for different reasons.But i've defend all 3 in cases of misinformation. [/QUOTE]OMG! Stop perfectly describing me!:evil:
Well I own all three, and prefer the 360. I usually just make fun of the fact that I havent turned my Wii on in months, and that I only use my PS3 for playing movies. But I only do this knowing that they will have the last laugh when the 360 is in 3rd in sales overall after this gen. There there 360, I still love you.
The only time i defend the ps3 is when some mis informer lemming is bashing LBPother then that i agree that its overatted piece of trash with 1 good exclusive game on it.
Yes, I've defended the Wii before.
Same as XaosII here.
Even though I am disapointed with Nintendo's direction this gen, I still have to defend the Wii against all my dumb friends (Its not that I don't like the Wii, am just disapointed at the lack of good games for it)
Have you ever defended a console that yo ...
I like all the consoles, but I always defend consoles as soon as I see a pattern of a certain console bashing.For example, if some people are picking on the Wii, I would be more than happy to show people the positive side of things, despite the negatives that I may agree with on them.
All the time. Im a heavy PC gamer and dislike all 3 consoles for different reasons.But i've defend all 3 in cases of misinformation.
sometimes, especially when the bashing has really stupid arguments...
Yes, I only have a PS3, lost my interest for the Wii and never cared about the 360. But like the other guys above I defend them from pointless fanboy coments at some times.
Only against false assumptions, lies or opinions that people try to pass on as fact.If someone is criticizing a system I don't like with a good factual argument then well, I applaud them.
all the time. i even bashed my own console of choice because it was funny
yeah If I hear completly stupied comments about any system I defend it because It makes the bashed console look bad and the console that the basher owns look bad. In the end everyone looks bad and like lifeless fanboys
Yes. I even bash the 360, even though it is my ideal console of choice!
[QUOTE=''starmetroid''] I am the type of person who will defend any console if I hear a fanboyish comment[/QUOTE]Wow, thats a little ironic!First of all, I never use the term ''F***oy. Second, why should I care what another person prefers or believes in? So, no!
Not really. I don't care if people bash or praise the Wii. I don't like it, some people don't like it, and some people do. I accept it and move on.
Well, I like all consoles, but I like the 360 the least and I defend it all the time.Of course, I still like it, so that's probably why. :P
[QUOTE=''XaosII'']All the time. Im a heavy PC gamer and dislike all 3 consoles for different reasons.But i've defend all 3 in cases of misinformation. [/QUOTE]OMG! Stop perfectly describing me!:evil:
Well I own all three, and prefer the 360. I usually just make fun of the fact that I havent turned my Wii on in months, and that I only use my PS3 for playing movies. But I only do this knowing that they will have the last laugh when the 360 is in 3rd in sales overall after this gen. There there 360, I still love you.
The only time i defend the ps3 is when some mis informer lemming is bashing LBPother then that i agree that its overatted piece of trash with 1 good exclusive game on it.
Yes, I've defended the Wii before.
Same as XaosII here.
SC2 date?
any word on possable release date for SC2?SC2 date?
we will most likely find out at blizzcon along with diablo 3 release date
we will most likely find out at blizzcon along with diablo 3 release date
2 buy the new psp or not to buy the new ...
In the new issue of gameinformer, theres news of a better color quality psp coming out this month on the 15th.. should i get it.. or wait and get the dsi?2 buy the new psp or not to buy the new ...
well I would rather buy a PSP but whats this i hear about a DSI2 buy the new psp or not to buy the new ...
If you already have a PSP I don't see any reason to bother with it.
It depends i guess.
psp is more universal and i beleive they will be the same price when dsi comes to america (later in 2009).
As for this Bullcrap ds has better games then psp...thats just a rumor that ppl make up who dont have both portables....
i cant honestly say, sure ds has more games, but im WAY MORE IMPRESSED BY PSP LIBRARY. i mean, yay i can play ''SAT practice, or BRIAN QUIZ'' WAHOOO....
i prefer real games, sure DS has some, but PSP games>DS games imo....
its really up to you..however that new psp looks nice....i just dont like the fact is has a new
[QUOTE=''iesexywarden'']It depends i guess. psp is more universal and i beleive they will be the same price when dsi comes to america (later in 2009). As for this Bullcrap ds has better games then psp...thats just a rumor that ppl make up who dont have both portables.... i cant honestly say, sure ds has more games, but im WAY MORE IMPRESSED BY PSP LIBRARY. i mean, yay i can play ''SAT practice, or BRIAN QUIZ'' WAHOOO.... i prefer real games, sure DS has some, but PSP games>DS games imo.... its really up to you..however that new psp looks nice....i just dont like the fact is has a new[/QUOTE] I have more games for my DS, but the games I own for my PSP are of a higher quality, for the most part. Although so far Hotel Dusk and Advance Wars Days of Ruin are unbelievably awesome handheld games.Then again, Crisis Core and Portable Ops are sweet too...
[QUOTE=''iesexywarden'']It depends i guess. psp is more universal and i beleive they will be the same price when dsi comes to america (later in 2009). As for this Bullcrap ds has better games then psp...thats just a rumor that ppl make up who dont have both portables.... i cant honestly say, sure ds has more games, but im WAY MORE IMPRESSED BY PSP LIBRARY. i mean, yay i can play ''SAT practice, or BRIAN QUIZ'' WAHOOO.... i prefer real games, sure DS has some, but PSP games>DS games imo.... its really up to you..however that new psp looks nice....i just dont like the fact is has a new[/QUOTE]Mr. Bear realizes all of that is subjectional based on one's opinion. Don't worry it's ok. There's a variety of games on the DS that are fun and engaging. Lots of stuff to blow up, people to take over, monsters to capture, worlds to end, people to defend (pfft... who needs that?) and more! And for the topic creator, Mr. Bear finds the ''new'' features or subtle upgrades if you will on the new PSP to be unworth the money if you already own a current PSP. (Well PSP2000 that is Skype is fun to terrorize people with! :D Rawr!)
[QUOTE=''Skittles_McGee'']If you already have a PSP I don't see any reason to bother with it.[/QUOTE] Perfectly put...
depends if u dont have a DS at all then yes get a DSi or even if u have the old one upgrade thats what im doing i was going to get DSL but good thing i heard of the DSi ill wait for that
get the dsi and wait for (if sony countinues this pattern) the psp 4000 next year. Sony is talking about puting a hard drive in the psp so I'm waiting for that till I upgrade my phat.
I see no need for it myself. I have a GoW red one and it works fine for me.
I may end up getting one since my 2000 bricked.
Get a dsi you dontt need that port dumpster of a handheld when you can get an xbox for much cheaper with better graphics controlls and games.
The new PSP most likely be unhackable.
well I would rather buy a PSP but whats this i hear about a DSI2 buy the new psp or not to buy the new ...
If you already have a PSP I don't see any reason to bother with it.
It depends i guess.
psp is more universal and i beleive they will be the same price when dsi comes to america (later in 2009).
As for this Bullcrap ds has better games then psp...thats just a rumor that ppl make up who dont have both portables....
i cant honestly say, sure ds has more games, but im WAY MORE IMPRESSED BY PSP LIBRARY. i mean, yay i can play ''SAT practice, or BRIAN QUIZ'' WAHOOO....
i prefer real games, sure DS has some, but PSP games>DS games imo....
its really up to you..however that new psp looks nice....i just dont like the fact is has a new
[QUOTE=''iesexywarden'']It depends i guess. psp is more universal and i beleive they will be the same price when dsi comes to america (later in 2009). As for this Bullcrap ds has better games then psp...thats just a rumor that ppl make up who dont have both portables.... i cant honestly say, sure ds has more games, but im WAY MORE IMPRESSED BY PSP LIBRARY. i mean, yay i can play ''SAT practice, or BRIAN QUIZ'' WAHOOO.... i prefer real games, sure DS has some, but PSP games>DS games imo.... its really up to you..however that new psp looks nice....i just dont like the fact is has a new[/QUOTE] I have more games for my DS, but the games I own for my PSP are of a higher quality, for the most part. Although so far Hotel Dusk and Advance Wars Days of Ruin are unbelievably awesome handheld games.Then again, Crisis Core and Portable Ops are sweet too...
[QUOTE=''iesexywarden'']It depends i guess. psp is more universal and i beleive they will be the same price when dsi comes to america (later in 2009). As for this Bullcrap ds has better games then psp...thats just a rumor that ppl make up who dont have both portables.... i cant honestly say, sure ds has more games, but im WAY MORE IMPRESSED BY PSP LIBRARY. i mean, yay i can play ''SAT practice, or BRIAN QUIZ'' WAHOOO.... i prefer real games, sure DS has some, but PSP games>DS games imo.... its really up to you..however that new psp looks nice....i just dont like the fact is has a new[/QUOTE]Mr. Bear realizes all of that is subjectional based on one's opinion. Don't worry it's ok. There's a variety of games on the DS that are fun and engaging. Lots of stuff to blow up, people to take over, monsters to capture, worlds to end, people to defend (pfft... who needs that?) and more! And for the topic creator, Mr. Bear finds the ''new'' features or subtle upgrades if you will on the new PSP to be unworth the money if you already own a current PSP. (Well PSP2000 that is Skype is fun to terrorize people with! :D Rawr!)
[QUOTE=''Skittles_McGee'']If you already have a PSP I don't see any reason to bother with it.[/QUOTE] Perfectly put...
depends if u dont have a DS at all then yes get a DSi or even if u have the old one upgrade thats what im doing i was going to get DSL but good thing i heard of the DSi ill wait for that
get the dsi and wait for (if sony countinues this pattern) the psp 4000 next year. Sony is talking about puting a hard drive in the psp so I'm waiting for that till I upgrade my phat.
I see no need for it myself. I have a GoW red one and it works fine for me.
I may end up getting one since my 2000 bricked.
Get a dsi you dontt need that port dumpster of a handheld when you can get an xbox for much cheaper with better graphics controlls and games.
The new PSP most likely be unhackable.
New screens for Xbox 360 timed exclusive ...
As long as Blitz doesn't hype the game then I think it could be good.New screens for Xbox 360 timed exclusive ...
[QUOTE=''Ragnarok1051'']As long as Blitz doesn't hype the game then I think it could be good.[/QUOTE] :lol:
[QUOTE=''Ragnarok1051'']As long as Blitz doesn't hype the game then I think it could be good.[/QUOTE] Too late! :P
I'm looking forward to this one.
[QUOTE=''Chutebox'']I'm looking forward to this one.[/QUOTE] me too out off topic: you seem to love futurama, do you know if they are meking a new season this time or not ?
[QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''Chutebox'']I'm looking forward to this one.[/QUOTE] me too out off topic: you seem to love futurama, do you know if they are meking a new season this time or not ?[/QUOTE]They making at least one more ''movie'' (newest one out in November) before they actually start with the seasons. But the will get to that.
I hope we have more to look forward to in the battle environments, it's so empty and kinda ugly to be honest, but the character models look great. I look forward to seeing how this game pans out, but I'm sure it'll tank this holiday.
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''Chutebox'']I'm looking forward to this one.[/QUOTE] me too out off topic: you seem to love futurama, do you know if they are meking a new season this time or not ?[/QUOTE]They making at least one more ''movie'' (newest one out in November) before they actually start with the seasons. But the will get to that.[/QUOTE] oh I see, will waiting for that :)
[QUOTE=''lantus'']I hope we have more to look forward to in the battle environments, it's so empty and kinda ugly to be honest, but the character models look great. I look forward to seeing how this game pans out, but I'm sure it'll tank this holiday.[/QUOTE]It is 100%, since it's not coming out until after Christmas.
So is this an SRPG or what? I haven't really done much reading up on this game but from those screens and some others I've seen of the battle system it really does looks to be an SRPG to me. If thats the case I think I'll pass, SRPG's just aren't my thing.
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''lantus'']I hope we have more to look forward to in the battle environments, it's so empty and kinda ugly to be honest, but the character models look great. I look forward to seeing how this game pans out, but I'm sure it'll tank this holiday.[/QUOTE]It is 100%, since it's not coming out until after Christmas.[/QUOTE] I just don't see why Square sees that as the opportune time to release this game, with so many other games that are sure to dominate it, not to mention it's not like JRPGs are a hot commodity to 360's fanbase. They should at least give this game a chance and release it sometime next year when they ship the PS3 and PC versions too, but I imagine affirmative action swept in from Microsoft having something to do with it.
[QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''lantus'']I hope we have more to look forward to in the battle environments, it's so empty and kinda ugly to be honest, but the character models look great. I look forward to seeing how this game pans out, but I'm sure it'll tank this holiday.[/QUOTE]It is 100%, since it's not coming out until after Christmas.[/QUOTE] I just don't see why Square sees that as the opportune time to release this game, with so many other games that are sure to dominate it, not to mention it's not like JRPGs are a hot commodity to 360's fanbase. They should at least give this game a chance and release it sometime next year when they ship the PS3 and PC versions too, but I imagine affirmative action swept in from Microsoft having something to do with it.[/QUOTE]Wait wait wait, my bad dude. I thought this was the Killzone 2 thread...hahaIgnore me.
Looks awesome, hopefully after TGS its no longer timed and PS360 versions release on the same day.
Worst box-art of the Year
I got the idea of this thread from ONLYDOD. :idea:So, what do you think the worst box-art of the year is? For an already released or upcoming game for any system. Posting the box-art would be cool, too. :lol:Worst box-art of the Year
.Worst box-art of the Year
.[/QUOTE]And this
Its weird how both these games have really really bad box arts.
. [/QUOTE]And this
Its weird how both these games have really really bad box arts. [/QUOTE]I don't think those are really that bad at all. :|
Now that's BAD.
This is a fun thread, but the Geow2 and R2 Boxes look okay, they aren't spectacular, but that Harvey Birdman shot proves we can do much better than to troll Cows and Lemmings.
[QUOTE=''SolidTy'']This is a fun thread, but the Geow2 and R2 Boxes look okay, they aren't spectacular, but that Harvey Birdman shot proves we can do much better than to troll Cows and Lemmings.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it could turn into Cows vs. Lemmings. :P
[img][/img]I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box?
Lol i hate Noel Edmonds![]()
[QUOTE=''AdrianWerner'']I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box? [/QUOTE]I do believe Twilight of the Arnor was never retail. :?
[QUOTE=''Stevo_the_gamer''][QUOTE=''AdrianWerner'']I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box? [/QUOTE]I do believe Twilight of the Arnor was never retail. :?[/QUOTE]You can buy the physical copy directly from Stardock though
[QUOTE=''AdrianWerner''][QUOTE=''Stevo_the_gamer''][QUOTE=''AdrianWerner'']I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box? [/QUOTE]I do believe Twilight of the Arnor was never retail. :?[/QUOTE]You can buy the physical copy directly from Stardock though [/QUOTE]Really? Didn't know that -- I bought it off Stardock too. :?
It's not this year, but I thought Halo 3's box was ugly as hell.
This thread fails without
. [/QUOTE]And this
Its weird how both these games have really really bad box arts. [/QUOTE] C'mon they're not that bad. :
|not sure if this game is reall found the cover on google
[QUOTE=''murat8'']not sure if this game is reall found the cover on google [img][/img][/QUOTE] Actually that looks kinda cool.
These are pretty ugly imo[img][/img]
.[/QUOTE]I don't know how the hell anyone can say that's bad. I'd like to hear some reasoning.
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''pro-nathan-07''] *resistance 2*[/QUOTE]I don't know how the hell anyone can say that's bad. I'd like to hear some reasoning.[/QUOTE] I agree. I think it looks very cool actually.the Gears 2 boxart isn't too bad either imocheap ink cartridges
This is a fun thread, but the Geow2 and R2 Boxes look okay, they aren't spectacular, but that Harvey Birdman shot proves we can do much better than to troll Cows and Lemmings.
[QUOTE=''SolidTy'']This is a fun thread, but the Geow2 and R2 Boxes look okay, they aren't spectacular, but that Harvey Birdman shot proves we can do much better than to troll Cows and Lemmings.[/QUOTE] Yeah, it could turn into Cows vs. Lemmings. :P
[img][/img]I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box?
[QUOTE=''AdrianWerner'']I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box? [/QUOTE]I do believe Twilight of the Arnor was never retail. :?
[QUOTE=''Stevo_the_gamer''][QUOTE=''AdrianWerner'']I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box? [/QUOTE]I do believe Twilight of the Arnor was never retail. :?[/QUOTE]You can buy the physical copy directly from Stardock though
[QUOTE=''AdrianWerner''][QUOTE=''Stevo_the_gamer''][QUOTE=''AdrianWerner'']I love GC2 and I love you Stardock, but what the hell were you thinking when you made this box? [/QUOTE]I do believe Twilight of the Arnor was never retail. :?[/QUOTE]You can buy the physical copy directly from Stardock though [/QUOTE]Really? Didn't know that -- I bought it off Stardock too. :?
It's not this year, but I thought Halo 3's box was ugly as hell.
This thread fails without
|not sure if this game is reall found the cover on google
[QUOTE=''murat8'']not sure if this game is reall found the cover on google [img][/img][/QUOTE] Actually that looks kinda cool.
These are pretty ugly imo[img][/img]
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''pro-nathan-07''] *resistance 2*[/QUOTE]I don't know how the hell anyone can say that's bad. I'd like to hear some reasoning.[/QUOTE] I agree. I think it looks very cool actually.the Gears 2 boxart isn't too bad either imo
This new Halo game means MS wins 2009
Anyone thinking expansion pack of forever?
Personally I think the talent they have on it is too great for just an expansion pack, MS has something brewing. I'm thinking that they have some new cycle of Gears of War, Halo 3, Gears of War 2, New Halo Game, Gears of War 3, etc.
People who don't know read [url=;title;5]here[/url]
''As reported by Gamasutra, Metal Gear Solid 4 assistant producer Ryan Payton has joined an entirely different ''MGS'' team as a freshly minted Microsoft employee. Payton is the latest addition to a team that has also recently added David Wu, formerly of Full Auto developer Pseudo Interactive, Gearbox programmer Corrinne Yu, id Software's Kenneth Scott, and Halo scribe Frank O'Connor.''
Halo is bigger then God of War and Killzone. We all know that. If you want to play the reviews game all three Halo games have scored higher then God of War and Killzone (obviously)
I'm not fanboy, just a realist. No denying cows.This new Halo game means MS wins 2009
god of war says hello!This new Halo game means MS wins 2009
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE]God of War says lower reviews overall and sales then Halo series
LOL you didn't have to follow in that other guy footsteps.
[QUOTE=''Toriko42''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE]God of War says lower reviews overall and sales then Halo series[/QUOTE]dude i dont play sales and god of war has scored fine A+[2] Eurogamer 9/10[3] GameSpot 9.3/10[4] GameSpy 5/5[5] IGN 9.8/10[6] Aggregate scores Aggregator Score Game Rankings 93%[8] Metacritic 94/100[7]look at how well the first one did
I've grown tired of Halo, I can play CE but outside of CE the franchise is pretty stale. How Halo 3 was so well recieved I don't have a clue.
Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.
If Gears 3 and A new Halo do get released on the 360 than the 360 has won! That would totally destroy anything the PS3 can throw at them.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Damn straight!
am i the other guy?
You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles
[QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well
Totally depends man, what if Sony markets a price drop on PS3 along side GOW 3 release, then even the release of this game wont off set that storm. And its not likely that every HALO named game will be an instant AAA title. Im guessing that you wont play as master chief in this game, and bungie is going to be taking a new spin to it? So yes die hard halo fans will get this without a second thought, but those who have been disillusioned by halo 3 will be paying close attention to reviews b4 its purchase (lets at least admit that a good deal of halo 3 owners didnt think it lived up to the hype entirely). So my guess is that this game wont warrent huge pre-orders, and not as big of a opening day release blow out, but it will still sell.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]I didn't downplay God of War, I just said Halo overall has scored better and sold more.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE] Resident Evil 5 says hello with an added shotgun to the face!
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE] Resident Evil 5 says hello with an added shotgun to the face! [/QUOTE] AHH RE5 i have to say re is my favorite franchise
[QUOTE=''Toriko42''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]I didn't downplay God of War, I just said Halo overall has scored better and sold more. [/QUOTE] well then my apologies for the misunderstanding
I think it's a little too early to make such a statement.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]God of War is a great game, God of War 2 is a great game, but is it going to sell like MGS4? Not likely. So if MGS4 didnt deliver Sony the win over 360 this year, you still expect GOW3 to give SONY an automatic win in 2009?
Personally I think the talent they have on it is too great for just an expansion pack, MS has something brewing. I'm thinking that they have some new cycle of Gears of War, Halo 3, Gears of War 2, New Halo Game, Gears of War 3, etc.
People who don't know read [url=;title;5]here[/url]
''As reported by Gamasutra, Metal Gear Solid 4 assistant producer Ryan Payton has joined an entirely different ''MGS'' team as a freshly minted Microsoft employee. Payton is the latest addition to a team that has also recently added David Wu, formerly of Full Auto developer Pseudo Interactive, Gearbox programmer Corrinne Yu, id Software's Kenneth Scott, and Halo scribe Frank O'Connor.''
Halo is bigger then God of War and Killzone. We all know that. If you want to play the reviews game all three Halo games have scored higher then God of War and Killzone (obviously)
I'm not fanboy, just a realist. No denying cows.This new Halo game means MS wins 2009
god of war says hello!This new Halo game means MS wins 2009
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE]God of War says lower reviews overall and sales then Halo series
LOL you didn't have to follow in that other guy footsteps.
[QUOTE=''Toriko42''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE]God of War says lower reviews overall and sales then Halo series[/QUOTE]dude i dont play sales and god of war has scored fine A+[2] Eurogamer 9/10[3] GameSpot 9.3/10[4] GameSpy 5/5[5] IGN 9.8/10[6] Aggregate scores Aggregator Score Game Rankings 93%[8] Metacritic 94/100[7]look at how well the first one did
I've grown tired of Halo, I can play CE but outside of CE the franchise is pretty stale. How Halo 3 was so well recieved I don't have a clue.
Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.
If Gears 3 and A new Halo do get released on the 360 than the 360 has won! That would totally destroy anything the PS3 can throw at them.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Damn straight!
am i the other guy?
You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles
[QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well
Totally depends man, what if Sony markets a price drop on PS3 along side GOW 3 release, then even the release of this game wont off set that storm. And its not likely that every HALO named game will be an instant AAA title. Im guessing that you wont play as master chief in this game, and bungie is going to be taking a new spin to it? So yes die hard halo fans will get this without a second thought, but those who have been disillusioned by halo 3 will be paying close attention to reviews b4 its purchase (lets at least admit that a good deal of halo 3 owners didnt think it lived up to the hype entirely). So my guess is that this game wont warrent huge pre-orders, and not as big of a opening day release blow out, but it will still sell.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]I didn't downplay God of War, I just said Halo overall has scored better and sold more.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE] Resident Evil 5 says hello with an added shotgun to the face!
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE] Resident Evil 5 says hello with an added shotgun to the face! [/QUOTE] AHH RE5 i have to say re is my favorite franchise
[QUOTE=''Toriko42''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]I didn't downplay God of War, I just said Halo overall has scored better and sold more. [/QUOTE] well then my apologies for the misunderstanding
I think it's a little too early to make such a statement.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]God of War is a great game, God of War 2 is a great game, but is it going to sell like MGS4? Not likely. So if MGS4 didnt deliver Sony the win over 360 this year, you still expect GOW3 to give SONY an automatic win in 2009?
Hermits prove me wrong find a link where ...
Please find me some links where they clearly say it isn't coming.what this means is when they were asked if it was coming or not, someone from epic clearly said no it is not coming.If you find a link saying ''it isn't coming at this time'', that will not count because it is not a definite no.find links that are similar to how Epic are clearly saying Gears 2 will not be on PC.If you can't find any links then youhave to admit that they never lied about the first one, and they are not lying about it now.I know you guys don't care for teh game, but now you have to admit it will be exclusive to the 360.This link doesn't prove any thing: once does Mark Rein say it is never coming to PC.this link fails also: It doesn't even talk about epic. It deals with MS, and they didn't even give a definite answer.Hermits prove me wrong find a link where ...
Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.Hermits prove me wrong find a link where ...
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir'']Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.[/QUOTE] then when someone says its exlcusive people like you shouldn't say it will come.
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir'']Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.[/QUOTE]?you havent been here lately have you?
kind of hard when all you get is [url=]links to the sequel not coming.[/url]
[URL][/URL]I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their.
[QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''] Please find me some links where they clearly say it isn't coming.what this means is when they were asked if it was coming or not, someone from epic clearly said no it is not coming.If you find a link saying ''it isn't coming at this time'', that will not count because it is not a definite no.find links that are similar to how Epic are clearly saying Gears 2 will not be on PC.If you can't find any links then youhave to admit that they never lied about the first one, and they are not lying about it now.I know you guys don't care for teh game, but now you have to admit it will be exclusive to the 360.[/QUOTE] emulators soon or later it will come.
''Hermits prove me wrong find a link where Epic says Gears 1 not coming''That'd be kind of hard to do. :P... annnndd I misread the topic.
[QUOTE=''cobrax75''] can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]Don't forget ''No GTAIV for PC''
[QUOTE=''SaintsRowSam''][QUOTE=''princeofshapeir'']Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.[/QUOTE]?you havent been here lately have you?[/QUOTE] Not really, but shouldn't Hermits be hyping other games instead of GEOW2? Like WOTLK? :D
[QUOTE=''cobrax75'']I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE] Damnit, was about to post that. Google is an amazing thing. Took me like 30 seconds to find it. So OP, it took all of like 6 posts for you to get completely owned?
[QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work)I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''
[QUOTE=''cobrax75''] I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE] your link fails. not once does he says it is not coming.
[QUOTE=''user_nat''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work)I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''[/QUOTE] You took that out of context.
[QUOTE=''NerdMan''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''] I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE] Damnit, was about to post that. Google is an amazing thing. Took me like 30 seconds to find it. So OP, it took all of like 6 posts for you to get completely owned? [/QUOTE] no the linked failed. not once did he say it wasn't coming.
[QUOTE=''cobrax75'']I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]that was fast.It's obvious why they wouldn't announce a PC version yet. They want everyone to buy the 360 version and then later on with the extra things on PC version, buy that version too.You don't boast about your game coming out on a different platform before it's out on the main system.
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir''][QUOTE=''user_nat''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work)I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''[/QUOTE] You took that out of context. [/QUOTE]Why? No where else does he say anything like ''its not coming'', he just says that even 360 games are made on the PC..
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir''][QUOTE=''user_nat''] [QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work) I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''[/QUOTE] You took that out of context. [/QUOTE] no he didn't because mark Rein didn't say it wasn't coming.
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''] I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]that was fast.It's obvious why they wouldn't announce a PC version yet. They want everyone to buy the 360 version and then later on with the extra things on PC version, buy that version too.You don't boast about your game coming out on a different platform before it's out on the main system. [/QUOTE] read the link chutebox he never clearly says it isn't coming.
It probably will come out on PC.I remember when Gears came out on PC with exclusive content and all the Lemmings said that Epic had backstabbed them.
Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.Hermits prove me wrong find a link where ...
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir'']Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.[/QUOTE] then when someone says its exlcusive people like you shouldn't say it will come.
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir'']Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.[/QUOTE]?you havent been here lately have you?
kind of hard when all you get is [url=]links to the sequel not coming.[/url]
[URL][/URL]I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their.
[QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''] Please find me some links where they clearly say it isn't coming.what this means is when they were asked if it was coming or not, someone from epic clearly said no it is not coming.If you find a link saying ''it isn't coming at this time'', that will not count because it is not a definite no.find links that are similar to how Epic are clearly saying Gears 2 will not be on PC.If you can't find any links then youhave to admit that they never lied about the first one, and they are not lying about it now.I know you guys don't care for teh game, but now you have to admit it will be exclusive to the 360.[/QUOTE] emulators soon or later it will come.
''Hermits prove me wrong find a link where Epic says Gears 1 not coming''That'd be kind of hard to do. :P... annnndd I misread the topic.
[QUOTE=''cobrax75''] can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]Don't forget ''No GTAIV for PC''
[QUOTE=''SaintsRowSam''][QUOTE=''princeofshapeir'']Who cares. If Gears 2 isn't coming on the PC, I don't think any Hermit would give a damn.[/QUOTE]?you havent been here lately have you?[/QUOTE] Not really, but shouldn't Hermits be hyping other games instead of GEOW2? Like WOTLK? :D
[QUOTE=''cobrax75'']I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE] Damnit, was about to post that. Google is an amazing thing. Took me like 30 seconds to find it. So OP, it took all of like 6 posts for you to get completely owned?
[QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work)I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''
[QUOTE=''cobrax75''] I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE] your link fails. not once does he says it is not coming.
[QUOTE=''user_nat''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work)I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''[/QUOTE] You took that out of context.
[QUOTE=''NerdMan''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''] I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE] Damnit, was about to post that. Google is an amazing thing. Took me like 30 seconds to find it. So OP, it took all of like 6 posts for you to get completely owned? [/QUOTE] no the linked failed. not once did he say it wasn't coming.
[QUOTE=''cobrax75'']I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]that was fast.It's obvious why they wouldn't announce a PC version yet. They want everyone to buy the 360 version and then later on with the extra things on PC version, buy that version too.You don't boast about your game coming out on a different platform before it's out on the main system.
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir''][QUOTE=''user_nat''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work)I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''[/QUOTE] You took that out of context. [/QUOTE]Why? No where else does he say anything like ''its not coming'', he just says that even 360 games are made on the PC..
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir''][QUOTE=''user_nat''] [QUOTE=''cobrax75''](link that is causing post to not work) I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]''Even if we never release Gears of War on PC''Is not a ''This game is not coming to PC''[/QUOTE] You took that out of context. [/QUOTE] no he didn't because mark Rein didn't say it wasn't coming.
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''cobrax75''] I can also find a pretty similar one for Mass Effect somewhere out their. [/QUOTE]that was fast.It's obvious why they wouldn't announce a PC version yet. They want everyone to buy the 360 version and then later on with the extra things on PC version, buy that version too.You don't boast about your game coming out on a different platform before it's out on the main system. [/QUOTE] read the link chutebox he never clearly says it isn't coming.
It probably will come out on PC.I remember when Gears came out on PC with exclusive content and all the Lemmings said that Epic had backstabbed them.
Thread titles that are no-nos (and other ...
I'I'm not a very frequent poster, I also don't read near as much as some other user's do, but I have been with Gamespot for over 6 years (I believe), so I have read plenty of threads in the system-wars sub-forum. The main reason I cannot be bothered to post is because for every thread that has blossomed into a interesting discussion here, there are another 7 threads which consist of ''u phail, owned, I like cheese'' posts.A large mayority of the ''system wars population'' judge a thread by it's title, instead of it's content. If I create a a thread with the title ''THE XBOX360 KICKS THE PS3'S ASS LOL LOOK HERE'', I am going to go nowhere very soon. After a title like that, it really no longer matter's what the content of your post is, your thread is doomed to fail.I hate to patronize, but I have composed a list of big thread title no-no's just for the sake of humanity:1. Cold hard ''facts'' as thread titlesThis instantly turns your thread into a flame-war starting at post number 2. ''Gears of War 2 makes the Xbox the best console of all time'' means nothing, is nothing, and will go nowhere.I'm tired of again and again seeing thread titles talking about how X game ensures victory in 2009 for X console, or how X game will kill Y game. All you have to do is look at the first page of threads right now to see what I am talking aboutThe reality is that system wars debating is like debating politics. It's pretty absurd and silly, but if you can see why saying ''Obama is literally mentally retarded, here is proof'' is just going to be a flame war, then you should be able to see why the GoW2 title above won't go anywhere as well.If you want to stem interesting discusssions on System Wars, this is the golden rule. Express your point of view as a point of view, not as reality itself. If you want to debate about GoW2's graphics in comparison to Killzone's, making a ''Gears of War brown color scheme vs Killzone's gray color scheme'' is a much more intellegent thread than ''Gears of War beats the crap out of Killzone, pics to prove this'' thread.
In both threads you end up using images to compare the two games, but one of the threads actually has a discussion going on, while the other is just a large collection of youtube oneliners. Of course, unless you consider 10 pages of ''I like red'', ''no! blue is better!'' posts an interesting discussion, debating color schemes is a pretty stupid idea as well, but that's a seperate issue :). 2. My exclusive is better than yoursNEVER EVER do this. Just dont, its especially bad if the two games mentioned in the title are games that haven't even come out yet. Comparing LittleBigPlanet to Killzone won't get you anywhere. -- 3. Express your ''fanboyism''Always make sure you express what ''side'' you are on beyond whatever is on your avatar. Let's face it, everyone, up to a degree, is a fanboy. Some more than others of course, but even then, there is no such thing as full ''unbiasedness''. Just as I said above, a lot of the arguments made on System Wars are based on a point of view, but are treated as facts. If express in your post what type of fanboy you are, and why. Ironically you gain credibility and people start taking you more seriously.I am a hermit, I am a die-hard fan of everything Crytek and Relic. I adore pretty lights and glowing ''thingies'', I am a total graphics whore and I can blindly spend 3,000 dollars on an expensive machine and honestly think that my PC is better value-wise than a console. Crysis is the greatest FPS ever made, period. Just because you strongly express a certain point of view, does not mean you are automatically a stupid fanboy. You might have good things to say :)-- 4. Never use statistics you made as the primary argument in your threadYour statistic showing that cows (when not munching on grass) stare more at Wii's than at PS3's will not prove that the Wii is a better console. When you post a thread using a statistic you made as the primary argument. After the initial ''you fail'' posts fade away, someone will just come up with an equally idiotic statistic showing that Sheep stare more at PS3's than at Wii's. Don't use your own crap statistics to ''prove'' your point of view, you will just lose credibility big time.I'm not trying to say that ''homemade statistics'' are completely useless either, just don't use them as the primary argument in favor of whatever silly point you are trying to prove. -- I could go on, adding more and more items to the list. I will leave it at that for now, I have a feeling that everything I wrote above is completely unintellagable and is written in very poor english. if you read the whole thing and understood it, kudos to you :). All that really matters is that when you are writing a thread, you keep in mind tha you are a biased person and a fanboy. Keep all your thread titles mild, and keep ''the real stuff' for the content of your post, don't ever make ''factual'' statments about whatever nonsense forms your point of view. And most importantly, keep in mind that nothing you say will change what people think, at all. Cheers.Thread titles that are no-nos (and other ...
Wall of text im not reading.Thread titles that are no-nos (and other ...
Thanks for posting this helpfull informationFanboys will never change though. And the ''good'' posters allready know how to make a thread(title). common sense really.also in some cases, people make thread titles like ''my console pwnz urz'' to start a discussion and get as many viewers/posters as possible. this is System Wars after all
In both threads you end up using images to compare the two games, but one of the threads actually has a discussion going on, while the other is just a large collection of youtube oneliners. Of course, unless you consider 10 pages of ''I like red'', ''no! blue is better!'' posts an interesting discussion, debating color schemes is a pretty stupid idea as well, but that's a seperate issue :). 2. My exclusive is better than yoursNEVER EVER do this. Just dont, its especially bad if the two games mentioned in the title are games that haven't even come out yet. Comparing LittleBigPlanet to Killzone won't get you anywhere. -- 3. Express your ''fanboyism''Always make sure you express what ''side'' you are on beyond whatever is on your avatar. Let's face it, everyone, up to a degree, is a fanboy. Some more than others of course, but even then, there is no such thing as full ''unbiasedness''. Just as I said above, a lot of the arguments made on System Wars are based on a point of view, but are treated as facts. If express in your post what type of fanboy you are, and why. Ironically you gain credibility and people start taking you more seriously.I am a hermit, I am a die-hard fan of everything Crytek and Relic. I adore pretty lights and glowing ''thingies'', I am a total graphics whore and I can blindly spend 3,000 dollars on an expensive machine and honestly think that my PC is better value-wise than a console. Crysis is the greatest FPS ever made, period. Just because you strongly express a certain point of view, does not mean you are automatically a stupid fanboy. You might have good things to say :)-- 4. Never use statistics you made as the primary argument in your threadYour statistic showing that cows (when not munching on grass) stare more at Wii's than at PS3's will not prove that the Wii is a better console. When you post a thread using a statistic you made as the primary argument. After the initial ''you fail'' posts fade away, someone will just come up with an equally idiotic statistic showing that Sheep stare more at PS3's than at Wii's. Don't use your own crap statistics to ''prove'' your point of view, you will just lose credibility big time.I'm not trying to say that ''homemade statistics'' are completely useless either, just don't use them as the primary argument in favor of whatever silly point you are trying to prove. -- I could go on, adding more and more items to the list. I will leave it at that for now, I have a feeling that everything I wrote above is completely unintellagable and is written in very poor english. if you read the whole thing and understood it, kudos to you :). All that really matters is that when you are writing a thread, you keep in mind tha you are a biased person and a fanboy. Keep all your thread titles mild, and keep ''the real stuff' for the content of your post, don't ever make ''factual'' statments about whatever nonsense forms your point of view. And most importantly, keep in mind that nothing you say will change what people think, at all. Cheers.Thread titles that are no-nos (and other ...
Wall of text im not reading.Thread titles that are no-nos (and other ...
Thanks for posting this helpfull informationFanboys will never change though. And the ''good'' posters allready know how to make a thread(title). common sense really.also in some cases, people make thread titles like ''my console pwnz urz'' to start a discussion and get as many viewers/posters as possible. this is System Wars after all
What is more outdated?
qWhat is more outdated?
commodore 64What is more outdated?
Blueberry pancakes are more outdated....but seriously I'd rather have the 360.
The 8600 was practically a budget card when it came out. Wasn't it under $100?
[QUOTE=''t3hTwinky'']The 8600 was practically a budget card when it came out. Wasn't it under $100? [/QUOTE] Hmmm i wouldnt consider a machine that performs at 567p top notch...
The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive
[QUOTE=''killerfist'']The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive[/QUOTE]Yeah they can still make some awesome graphics :D still you can build a much better PC :)
[QUOTE=''Al3x_n90''][QUOTE=''killerfist''] The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive[/QUOTE]Yeah they can still make some awesome graphics :D still you can build a much better PC :) [/QUOTE] of course you can:) but that doesnt make the consoles outdated. Console world and PC world are quite different
[QUOTE=''killerfist''][QUOTE=''Al3x_n90''][QUOTE=''killerfist''] The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive[/QUOTE]Yeah they can still make some awesome graphics :D still you can build a much better PC :) [/QUOTE] of course you can:) but that doesnt make the consoles outdated. Console world and PC world are quite different[/QUOTE]Yep.Consoles aren't outdated, actually i;m quite satisfied with current console graphics tbh, this gen is all about graphics...nobody actually cares about gameplay's sad :(
I believe the 8600 GT is pretty equal in performance to the PS3's RSX. The RSX is a gimped 7900 GT and the 8600 GT is about on par with the 7900 GT, though the 8600 GT does use an updated graphics core with shader processors.
[QUOTE=''Al3x_n90'']Yep. Consoles aren't outdated, actually i;m quite satisfied with current console graphics tbh, this gen is all about graphics...nobody actually cares about gameplay's sad :( [/QUOTE] I do;)Gameplay is the most important thing for me with storyline a close second(depends on the genre). Games without good gameplay are in my opinion not even worth the try.Ninja Gaiden2 is a perfect example imo. Lame story, Graphics not the best(not the worst either), rock solid gameplay.
In terms of hardware, the consoles I guess.
[QUOTE=''killerfist''][QUOTE=''Al3x_n90'']Yep. Consoles aren't outdated, actually i;m quite satisfied with current console graphics tbh, this gen is all about graphics...nobody actually cares about gameplay's sad :( [/QUOTE] I do;)Gameplay is the most important thing for me with storyline a close second(depends on the genre). Games without good gameplay are in my opinion not even worth the try.Ninja Gaiden2 is a perfect example imo. Lame story, Graphics not the best(not the worst either), rock solid gameplay.[/QUOTE]Same here :D i love a game with a good story, like you said depends on the genre.Burnout paradise has no story, the graphics are ok but i really enjoyed it, it's really fun:P another example would be for me DBZ budokai tenkaichi 3, i played it with my friends a lot, dough it's a ps2 and the graphics aren't great, i really enjoyed the game :D
commodore 64What is more outdated?
Blueberry pancakes are more outdated....but seriously I'd rather have the 360.
The 8600 was practically a budget card when it came out. Wasn't it under $100?
[QUOTE=''t3hTwinky'']The 8600 was practically a budget card when it came out. Wasn't it under $100? [/QUOTE] Hmmm i wouldnt consider a machine that performs at 567p top notch...
The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive
[QUOTE=''killerfist'']The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive[/QUOTE]Yeah they can still make some awesome graphics :D still you can build a much better PC :)
[QUOTE=''Al3x_n90''][QUOTE=''killerfist''] The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive[/QUOTE]Yeah they can still make some awesome graphics :D still you can build a much better PC :) [/QUOTE] of course you can:) but that doesnt make the consoles outdated. Console world and PC world are quite different
[QUOTE=''killerfist''][QUOTE=''Al3x_n90''][QUOTE=''killerfist''] The 360 and Ps3 are not outdated:|they're still part of this console generation...They will be when the next consoles arrive[/QUOTE]Yeah they can still make some awesome graphics :D still you can build a much better PC :) [/QUOTE] of course you can:) but that doesnt make the consoles outdated. Console world and PC world are quite different[/QUOTE]Yep.Consoles aren't outdated, actually i;m quite satisfied with current console graphics tbh, this gen is all about graphics...nobody actually cares about gameplay's sad :(
I believe the 8600 GT is pretty equal in performance to the PS3's RSX. The RSX is a gimped 7900 GT and the 8600 GT is about on par with the 7900 GT, though the 8600 GT does use an updated graphics core with shader processors.
[QUOTE=''Al3x_n90'']Yep. Consoles aren't outdated, actually i;m quite satisfied with current console graphics tbh, this gen is all about graphics...nobody actually cares about gameplay's sad :( [/QUOTE] I do;)Gameplay is the most important thing for me with storyline a close second(depends on the genre). Games without good gameplay are in my opinion not even worth the try.Ninja Gaiden2 is a perfect example imo. Lame story, Graphics not the best(not the worst either), rock solid gameplay.
In terms of hardware, the consoles I guess.
[QUOTE=''killerfist''][QUOTE=''Al3x_n90'']Yep. Consoles aren't outdated, actually i;m quite satisfied with current console graphics tbh, this gen is all about graphics...nobody actually cares about gameplay's sad :( [/QUOTE] I do;)Gameplay is the most important thing for me with storyline a close second(depends on the genre). Games without good gameplay are in my opinion not even worth the try.Ninja Gaiden2 is a perfect example imo. Lame story, Graphics not the best(not the worst either), rock solid gameplay.[/QUOTE]Same here :D i love a game with a good story, like you said depends on the genre.Burnout paradise has no story, the graphics are ok but i really enjoyed it, it's really fun:P another example would be for me DBZ budokai tenkaichi 3, i played it with my friends a lot, dough it's a ps2 and the graphics aren't great, i really enjoyed the game :D
I wish I had a PS3....
I just went to my friends house today and we played the PS3 for like a solid 4 hours before leaving his house. And damn, I'm impressed. There are so many things you can do on the PS3 that are as good if not better than the 360, and yes I am a 360 fan/ own one. But the only complaint was connecting to PSN which took quite some damn time but when it worked, it was pretty close to XBL but not exactly like it.I would never trade in my 360 but if I could have both of these consoles then I would be an extremely happy camper.I wish I had a PS3....
SWEET A WISH THREAD!!I wish I had a GUN!! :PI wish I had a PS3....
Connecting to PSN shouldn't take long at all, it doesn't for me at least.
what exactly could you do that was better than on 360?
I wish I had a better PC :?
[QUOTE=''ineedmoney555'']what exactly could you do that was better than on 360?[/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW.
I wish I had a bomb, to blow up Nintendo
[QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360? [/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE]The 360 still is the only platform without a web browser (and Wi-Fi only comes with the Elite).
i wish i wish i was a fish...........................................................erman:)
both is the way to go.
[QUOTE=''Nintendo_Man''][QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360?[/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE]The 360 still is the only platform without a web browser (and Wi-Fi only comes with the Elite).[/QUOTE]WiFi does not come with Elite.
[QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360? [/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE] So you're saying you'd want to have the PS3's crappy web browser? I suppose we would all love to have 'out of memory' errors EVERY other website we visited. Trust me the euphoria of owning a PS3 lasts expires quickly after a few days. The Wii has a better browser...
[QUOTE=''FragTycoon'']I wish I had a better PC :?[/QUOTE] Same, I need to find a way to sabotage mine and make it break from the inside so my parents have to buy a new one, mine is 7 years old = (
[QUOTE=''bobbetybob''] [QUOTE=''FragTycoon'']I wish I had a better PC :?[/QUOTE] Same, I need to find a way to sabotage mine and make it break from the inside so my parents have to buy a new one, mine is 7 years old = ( [/QUOTE] That's easy. Just gfo to myspace and accept EVERYBODY's friend request. The viruses and adware you'll pick up will fry any PC...
[QUOTE=''bobbetybob''][QUOTE=''FragTycoon'']I wish I had a better PC :?[/QUOTE] Same, I need to find a way to sabotage mine and make it break from the inside so my parents have to buy a new one, mine is 7 years old = ( [/QUOTE]haha I did that. kicked the stupid computer to death.but afterwards I had to buy them a newone. but I got to pick the parts :D
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
i wish i had a monkey. who doesn't like monkeys =o
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''Nintendo_Man''][QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360? [/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE]The 360 still is the only platform without a web browser (and Wi-Fi only comes with the Elite).[/QUOTE]WiFi does not come with Elite.[/QUOTE]I was told it did. Anyway until the recent price cuts here in Australia, the Elite was more expensive than the 40GB PS3.
i wish killzone 2 comes out tomorrow morning!
Very detailed post, I would have to agree with the TC. /sarcasm
SWEET A WISH THREAD!!I wish I had a GUN!! :PI wish I had a PS3....
Connecting to PSN shouldn't take long at all, it doesn't for me at least.
what exactly could you do that was better than on 360?
I wish I had a better PC :?
[QUOTE=''ineedmoney555'']what exactly could you do that was better than on 360?[/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW.
I wish I had a bomb, to blow up Nintendo
[QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360? [/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE]The 360 still is the only platform without a web browser (and Wi-Fi only comes with the Elite).
i wish i wish i was a fish...........................................................erman:)
both is the way to go.
[QUOTE=''Nintendo_Man''][QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360?[/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE]The 360 still is the only platform without a web browser (and Wi-Fi only comes with the Elite).[/QUOTE]WiFi does not come with Elite.
[QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360? [/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE] So you're saying you'd want to have the PS3's crappy web browser? I suppose we would all love to have 'out of memory' errors EVERY other website we visited. Trust me the euphoria of owning a PS3 lasts expires quickly after a few days. The Wii has a better browser...
[QUOTE=''FragTycoon'']I wish I had a better PC :?[/QUOTE] Same, I need to find a way to sabotage mine and make it break from the inside so my parents have to buy a new one, mine is 7 years old = (
[QUOTE=''bobbetybob''] [QUOTE=''FragTycoon'']I wish I had a better PC :?[/QUOTE] Same, I need to find a way to sabotage mine and make it break from the inside so my parents have to buy a new one, mine is 7 years old = ( [/QUOTE] That's easy. Just gfo to myspace and accept EVERYBODY's friend request. The viruses and adware you'll pick up will fry any PC...
[QUOTE=''bobbetybob''][QUOTE=''FragTycoon'']I wish I had a better PC :?[/QUOTE] Same, I need to find a way to sabotage mine and make it break from the inside so my parents have to buy a new one, mine is 7 years old = ( [/QUOTE]haha I did that. kicked the stupid computer to death.but afterwards I had to buy them a newone. but I got to pick the parts :D
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
i wish i had a monkey. who doesn't like monkeys =o
[QUOTE=''Chutebox''][QUOTE=''Nintendo_Man''][QUOTE=''Magna_Man109''][QUOTE=''ineedmoney555''] what exactly could you do that was better than on 360? [/QUOTE] The one thing that appealed to me was the web browser because its a nice extra feature to have if you can't reach a computer.Pablo Francisco youtube videos FTW. [/QUOTE]The 360 still is the only platform without a web browser (and Wi-Fi only comes with the Elite).[/QUOTE]WiFi does not come with Elite.[/QUOTE]I was told it did. Anyway until the recent price cuts here in Australia, the Elite was more expensive than the 40GB PS3.
i wish killzone 2 comes out tomorrow morning!
Very detailed post, I would have to agree with the TC. /sarcasm
PES 09, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, NBA 2K ...
EU PS store demos :
I might have to try out the PES 09 one, I used to enjoy them on the PS2.PES 09, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, NBA 2K ...
sweet when my friend comes im forcing him to download NBA 2K9 I cant cuz i dont have a hard drive:(
[QUOTE=''ONLYDOD'']I might have to try out the PES 09 one, I used to enjoy them on the PS2.[/QUOTE]This is the best PES so far, the game plays so great.
[QUOTE=''HAZE-Unit''][QUOTE=''ONLYDOD'']I might have to try out the PES 09 one, I used to enjoy them on the PS2.[/QUOTE]This is the best PES so far, the game plays so great.[/QUOTE] which one is better based on the demo? Fifa or Pes?
The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.
Got the Eternal Sonata and BIA, hope I like them!
[QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal?
Wow, haven't had an update like this in awhile. I'm gonna compare both Bioshock demos, after it finishes downloading.
Really? I heard a lot of people saying that this one suck like the 08, I hope you're right because I love PES series :P
Bioshock, NBA 2k9 and BIA were my faves.
[QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal.
[QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal. [/QUOTE] huge or what? sorry I don't understand what your trying to say :P
At least one of the games isn't a 360 port.
[QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal. [/QUOTE] huge or what? sorry I don't understand what your trying to say :P [/QUOTE] Brutal as in hard as Hell. The first fight I got into, one of my characters died from one hit.
[QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal. [/QUOTE] huge or what? sorry I don't understand what your trying to say :P [/QUOTE] Brutal as in hard as Hell. The first fight I got into, one of my characters died from one hit.[/QUOTE] oh I see, I've already beaten the game....might try de demo though
And EA did't put the Mirror's Edge demo up either. What a rip off.
ES was great but x edge is different it is like disgaea 3 but in japanese and no humor.
[QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE]For real I beat it twice in japanese and I found that easy the US demo is a peace of cake but fun.
What has been added to the game from the 360 version. Are Crescendo and Serenade still playable characters like promised?cheap ink cartridges
- PES 09.
- Bioshock.
- Bioshock.
- Eternal Sonata.
- NBA 2K9.
- Brothers in arms.
- X Edge.
I might have to try out the PES 09 one, I used to enjoy them on the PS2.PES 09, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, NBA 2K ...
sweet when my friend comes im forcing him to download NBA 2K9 I cant cuz i dont have a hard drive:(
[QUOTE=''ONLYDOD'']I might have to try out the PES 09 one, I used to enjoy them on the PS2.[/QUOTE]This is the best PES so far, the game plays so great.
[QUOTE=''HAZE-Unit''][QUOTE=''ONLYDOD'']I might have to try out the PES 09 one, I used to enjoy them on the PS2.[/QUOTE]This is the best PES so far, the game plays so great.[/QUOTE] which one is better based on the demo? Fifa or Pes?
The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.
Got the Eternal Sonata and BIA, hope I like them!
[QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal?
Wow, haven't had an update like this in awhile. I'm gonna compare both Bioshock demos, after it finishes downloading.
Really? I heard a lot of people saying that this one suck like the 08, I hope you're right because I love PES series :P
Bioshock, NBA 2k9 and BIA were my faves.
[QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal.
[QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal. [/QUOTE] huge or what? sorry I don't understand what your trying to say :P
At least one of the games isn't a 360 port.
[QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal. [/QUOTE] huge or what? sorry I don't understand what your trying to say :P [/QUOTE] Brutal as in hard as Hell. The first fight I got into, one of my characters died from one hit.
[QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus''][QUOTE=''Giancar''][QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE] brutal? [/QUOTE] Yes, brutal. [/QUOTE] huge or what? sorry I don't understand what your trying to say :P [/QUOTE] Brutal as in hard as Hell. The first fight I got into, one of my characters died from one hit.[/QUOTE] oh I see, I've already beaten the game....might try de demo though
And EA did't put the Mirror's Edge demo up either. What a rip off.
ES was great but x edge is different it is like disgaea 3 but in japanese and no humor.
[QUOTE=''lantus'']The US Eternal Sonata demo is freaking brutal compared the Japanese demo.[/QUOTE]For real I beat it twice in japanese and I found that easy the US demo is a peace of cake but fun.
What has been added to the game from the 360 version. Are Crescendo and Serenade still playable characters like promised?
How is Halo overrated?
It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?How is Halo overrated?
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Explain. How is Halo overrated?
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Using auto aim isn't the same as having a good control. It isn't even close too Keyboard and mouse. Well seriously, the only overrated part about Halo is its campaign, its utter garbage. But the online is where it really shines. I would dare say its the best Multiplayer game of this gen.
How is it? It's not. The general concensus is that it's one of the greatest franchises of all time. End of story.
Some people like to criticise what they can't have.
it's not overrated. maybe a littleI'm having a blast with the game either way
Jealousy is always the case.
By means of the first few words you uttered: ''Easily the best.''
Halo is not the best and never will be the best. Timesplitters took the console FPS crown from Perfect Dark and kept true console shooters alive and well.
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle''][QUOTE=''Utensilman''] It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Explain. [/QUOTE] The game controls so well on a pad compared to pretty much any other FPS on a console, it's controls are even good for a PC standard. Plus KB/M isn't the end all/be all. alot of people prefer using a controller.
Popular and very highly rated games will pretty much always be called overrated by some.
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']The game controls so well on a pad compared to pretty much any other FPS on a console, it's controls are even good for a PC standard. Plus KB/M isn't the end all/be all. alot of people prefer using a controller.[/QUOTE]
Generally people ''prefer'' gamepads when they haven't spent much time with the keyboard and mouse for shooters.
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]That sort of statement is why it's called overrated.
[QUOTE=''Utensilman''][QUOTE=''bladeeagle''][QUOTE=''Utensilman''] It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Explain. [/QUOTE] The game controls so well on a pad compared to pretty much any other FPS on a console, it's controls are even good for a PC standard. Plus KB/M isn't the end all/be all. alot of people prefer using a controller.[/QUOTE]Then why does it require auto aim? Plus your statement doesn't even make sense. It controls so well on a console it rivals PC FPSes? What exactly are you trying to say?
One its on xbox/360. ANy game that comes to the that platform as an exclsuive is consider overrated.Two its a FPS which so PC guys will downplay it because it console gamers will put it on par with pc games.Three it sells well and is a AAA franchise.
the analog stick will never bee as good as the keyboard and mouse, and no, it is not the best online game, i believe more people play CoD 4 now.
IMO Halo series are not overrated! Maybe Halo2 a little bit
Because the amount of hype compared to the WoW when actually playing makes alot of people say it's overrated. I've never once said WoW that's amazing.. while playing halo.
as for the good controls: that would be the autoaim.As for Halo being overrated, well I think since it's extremely popular, a lot of ''non-conformist'' types hate it simply because of that reason-it's very popular. I personally think it's an average shooter. While halo 3 does have a good lobby system, the gameplay is too simple for my tastes.
goldeneye > halo
[QUOTE=''seany_lad'']goldeneye > halo[/QUOTE]Perfect Dark > Goldeneye
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Explain. How is Halo overrated?
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Using auto aim isn't the same as having a good control. It isn't even close too Keyboard and mouse. Well seriously, the only overrated part about Halo is its campaign, its utter garbage. But the online is where it really shines. I would dare say its the best Multiplayer game of this gen.
How is it? It's not. The general concensus is that it's one of the greatest franchises of all time. End of story.
Some people like to criticise what they can't have.
it's not overrated. maybe a littleI'm having a blast with the game either way
Jealousy is always the case.
By means of the first few words you uttered: ''Easily the best.''
Halo is not the best and never will be the best. Timesplitters took the console FPS crown from Perfect Dark and kept true console shooters alive and well.
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle''][QUOTE=''Utensilman''] It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Explain. [/QUOTE] The game controls so well on a pad compared to pretty much any other FPS on a console, it's controls are even good for a PC standard. Plus KB/M isn't the end all/be all. alot of people prefer using a controller.
Popular and very highly rated games will pretty much always be called overrated by some.
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']The game controls so well on a pad compared to pretty much any other FPS on a console, it's controls are even good for a PC standard. Plus KB/M isn't the end all/be all. alot of people prefer using a controller.[/QUOTE]
Generally people ''prefer'' gamepads when they haven't spent much time with the keyboard and mouse for shooters.
[QUOTE=''Utensilman'']It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]That sort of statement is why it's called overrated.
[QUOTE=''Utensilman''][QUOTE=''bladeeagle''][QUOTE=''Utensilman''] It's easly the best console developed FPS series on the market. It appeals to ''hardcore'' and ''casual'' gamers alike. It has fantastic online. The game controls so well that it rivals most PC FPS's, it even has a decent story for a FPS.How the hell are these games considered overrated?[/QUOTE]Explain. [/QUOTE] The game controls so well on a pad compared to pretty much any other FPS on a console, it's controls are even good for a PC standard. Plus KB/M isn't the end all/be all. alot of people prefer using a controller.[/QUOTE]Then why does it require auto aim? Plus your statement doesn't even make sense. It controls so well on a console it rivals PC FPSes? What exactly are you trying to say?
One its on xbox/360. ANy game that comes to the that platform as an exclsuive is consider overrated.Two its a FPS which so PC guys will downplay it because it console gamers will put it on par with pc games.Three it sells well and is a AAA franchise.
the analog stick will never bee as good as the keyboard and mouse, and no, it is not the best online game, i believe more people play CoD 4 now.
IMO Halo series are not overrated! Maybe Halo2 a little bit
Because the amount of hype compared to the WoW when actually playing makes alot of people say it's overrated. I've never once said WoW that's amazing.. while playing halo.
as for the good controls: that would be the autoaim.As for Halo being overrated, well I think since it's extremely popular, a lot of ''non-conformist'' types hate it simply because of that reason-it's very popular. I personally think it's an average shooter. While halo 3 does have a good lobby system, the gameplay is too simple for my tastes.
goldeneye > halo
[QUOTE=''seany_lad'']goldeneye > halo[/QUOTE]Perfect Dark > Goldeneye
For everyone who owns more than 1 consol ...
Isn't owning more than 1 console just an insult to those consoles individually? Thats the way it looks to me. You are basically saying ''Well none of the consoles are enough to satisfy my needs, so I need multiple consoles to make up for each of their individual short-comings.'' Its sad if you ask me. Just pick one and stick with it. How many games do you have to play anyway?For everyone who owns more than 1 consol ...
PS2 was enough last gen. Nothing is this gen. Sad but true.For everyone who owns more than 1 consol ...
Wait, I should suffer and stick with only one console because it will hurt it's feelings if I don't?
|....sorry my ps3 cant play gears and my 360 cant play LBP.....ur parents prolly have two different cars...arent they discrasing the auto makers....silly parents for doing this...
Well TC that's exactly how I feel. None of those console by themselves satisfy me, only the PC does that. I only play games I cannot get on PC on my consoles(which is mostly thier exclusives).
[QUOTE=''ArchaoN'']Isn't owning more than 1 console just an insult to those consoles individually? Thats the way it looks to me. You are basically saying ''Well none of the consoles are enough to satisfy my needs, so I need multiple consoles to get the most out of their individual strengths, and to play the games that the others dont have that interest me.'' Its sad if you ask me. Just pick one and stick with it. How many games do you have to play anyway?[/QUOTE]Is why i usually get all consoles ...
Yeah, that's going down the fanboy route there. Each console has great games for them, and if you just own one console, you can't experience the others.
as long as there are exclusives I want to play I will own multiple consoles.
i have a ps3 i don't have an 360 because i have a friend that has one and most of my other friends have a ps3. I was thinking about getting a wii but then i was like......i'm not gonna waste my money
each consoles has good games that interest me...nothing wrong with it.
never saw it that way and no one console isn't enough i need Wii, PS3or360, and a DS
Nah, my Gamecube and PS2 make out all the time.
[QUOTE=''ArchaoN''] Isn't owning more than 1 console just an insult to those consoles individually? Thats the way it looks to me. You are basically saying ''Well none of the consoles are enough to satisfy my needs, so I need multiple consoles to make up for each of their individual short-comings.''Its sad if you ask me. Just pick one and stick with it. How many games do you have to play anyway?[/QUOTE]Because i get to play the best games on each system, and grown up enough not to worship some console company.
[QUOTE=''Legendaryscmt'']Yeah, that's going down the fanboy route there. Each console has great games for them, and if you just own one console, you can't experience the others.[/QUOTE]not true. you just need close friends with different consoles :P. I trade consoles with my friend every so often. But recently i've been wanting to keep my ps3 because im super addicted to wipeout and burnout
Lets see, mmmmmmmmmmm, i have a Wii and a PS3, i love MGS4 and SMG, what the hell is wrong with that.
[QUOTE=''madsnakehhh'']Lets see, mmmmmmmmmmm, i have a Wii and a PS3, i love MGS4 and SMG, what the hell is wrong with that.[/QUOTE]nothing, nothing at all:)
[QUOTE=''psn_Jaimzl''][QUOTE=''Legendaryscmt'']Yeah, that's going down the fanboy route there. Each console has great games for them, and if you just own one console, you can't experience the others.[/QUOTE]not true. you just need close friends with different consoles :P. I trade consoles with my friend every so often. But recently i've been wanting to keep my ps3 because im super addicted to wipeout and burnout [/QUOTE]But not everyone has a friend that they can just trade systems with or go over to their house and play a game on a different system.
I more sort of look at it this way, There are at least ten games coming out this year that I want. I don't have time for much more so I'll just stick with my Xbox and suffer the loss of Uncharted.
I do most of my gaming on the great Xbox360 and only play my PS3 %26 Wii for exclusives.
as i play my 360 i can hear my ps3 crying in the other room and vice versa
PS2 was enough last gen. Nothing is this gen. Sad but true.For everyone who owns more than 1 consol ...
Wait, I should suffer and stick with only one console because it will hurt it's feelings if I don't?
|....sorry my ps3 cant play gears and my 360 cant play LBP.....ur parents prolly have two different cars...arent they discrasing the auto makers....silly parents for doing this...
Well TC that's exactly how I feel. None of those console by themselves satisfy me, only the PC does that. I only play games I cannot get on PC on my consoles(which is mostly thier exclusives).
[QUOTE=''ArchaoN'']Isn't owning more than 1 console just an insult to those consoles individually? Thats the way it looks to me. You are basically saying ''Well none of the consoles are enough to satisfy my needs, so I need multiple consoles to get the most out of their individual strengths, and to play the games that the others dont have that interest me.'' Its sad if you ask me. Just pick one and stick with it. How many games do you have to play anyway?[/QUOTE]Is why i usually get all consoles ...
Yeah, that's going down the fanboy route there. Each console has great games for them, and if you just own one console, you can't experience the others.
as long as there are exclusives I want to play I will own multiple consoles.
i have a ps3 i don't have an 360 because i have a friend that has one and most of my other friends have a ps3. I was thinking about getting a wii but then i was like......i'm not gonna waste my money
each consoles has good games that interest me...nothing wrong with it.
never saw it that way and no one console isn't enough i need Wii, PS3or360, and a DS
Nah, my Gamecube and PS2 make out all the time.
[QUOTE=''ArchaoN''] Isn't owning more than 1 console just an insult to those consoles individually? Thats the way it looks to me. You are basically saying ''Well none of the consoles are enough to satisfy my needs, so I need multiple consoles to make up for each of their individual short-comings.''Its sad if you ask me. Just pick one and stick with it. How many games do you have to play anyway?[/QUOTE]Because i get to play the best games on each system, and grown up enough not to worship some console company.
[QUOTE=''Legendaryscmt'']Yeah, that's going down the fanboy route there. Each console has great games for them, and if you just own one console, you can't experience the others.[/QUOTE]not true. you just need close friends with different consoles :P. I trade consoles with my friend every so often. But recently i've been wanting to keep my ps3 because im super addicted to wipeout and burnout
Lets see, mmmmmmmmmmm, i have a Wii and a PS3, i love MGS4 and SMG, what the hell is wrong with that.
[QUOTE=''madsnakehhh'']Lets see, mmmmmmmmmmm, i have a Wii and a PS3, i love MGS4 and SMG, what the hell is wrong with that.[/QUOTE]nothing, nothing at all:)
[QUOTE=''psn_Jaimzl''][QUOTE=''Legendaryscmt'']Yeah, that's going down the fanboy route there. Each console has great games for them, and if you just own one console, you can't experience the others.[/QUOTE]not true. you just need close friends with different consoles :P. I trade consoles with my friend every so often. But recently i've been wanting to keep my ps3 because im super addicted to wipeout and burnout [/QUOTE]But not everyone has a friend that they can just trade systems with or go over to their house and play a game on a different system.
I more sort of look at it this way, There are at least ten games coming out this year that I want. I don't have time for much more so I'll just stick with my Xbox and suffer the loss of Uncharted.
I do most of my gaming on the great Xbox360 and only play my PS3 %26 Wii for exclusives.
as i play my 360 i can hear my ps3 crying in the other room and vice versa
do you replay games that you buy?
i noticed that i have a huge game collection but rarely do i ever go back and play them over again. maybe i should stop buying games hahado you replay games that you buy?
Sometimes, depend on the game. Ive played through RE4 and Metroid Prime countless timesdo you replay games that you buy?
yes mainly bc of the achievements.geow over 5 timeshalo 3 over 3 timesninja gaiden 2 over 12 timesdevil may cry 4 lost the count but definitely over 10 timesassassins creed over 3 times
After I beat the games I buy I actually put them on the recycling bin and recycle them to help the environment.
Yes... absolutely.. And that is why it pisses me off when games like Gears or maybe even Left 4 Dead eat into a budget.
I only buy a game after I read the review and it has to have solid online, otherwise its just a rent.
Depends. I replayed Crysis a few times, but I wouldn't replay something like CoD:4.
Of course. Most recent one would be after putting in a ton of hours on Persona 3, I found out all the things I had missed and went through yet again getting everything. Next I think I'll re-play either The Answer, or shift to the Shadow Hearts trilogy...haven't played that in a while.
I beat MT's Punch-Out at least once a year.
I replay some of them.
Due to my relatively low gaming budget, I generally play through my games many times-I've played through KotOR at least 6 times by this point, Deus Ex and System Shock 2 over a dozen each, and the rest of my collection two or three times...
Most of them I do, minus a couple. I don't know what it is, but even if I buy a bad game, I now refuse to trade it or sell it. (EX: I bought Terminator 3 and mistook it for The Redemption, player it, beat it, but don't want to trade it in.)
i havn't replayed most of my games. i am wokring on cod 4 and gears of war. but i have beaten re4 a lot of times.
Always. At least once more.
[QUOTE=''kentaro22'']Always. At least once more.[/QUOTE]
depends on the game
I only replay it if i finished it and it was pretty good or if i had a 360 i would do for the GS and acheivments
[QUOTE=''Nirron'']Of course. Most recent one would be after putting in a ton of hours on Persona 3, I found out all the things I had missed and went through yet again getting everything. Next I think I'll re-play either The Answer, or shift to the Shadow Hearts trilogy...haven't played that in a while.[/QUOTE] *heart*
[QUOTE=''Skittles_McGee''][QUOTE=''Nirron'']Of course. Most recent one would be after putting in a ton of hours on Persona 3, I found out all the things I had missed and went through yet again getting everything. Next I think I'll re-play either The Answer, or shift to the Shadow Hearts trilogy...haven't played that in a while.[/QUOTE] *heart*
[/QUOTE] Yeah, this game is I mean, I love Atlus, but oh man, just so much awesomeness crammed into one disc. P.S. Persona 4...2 months, 1 week away. We had FES in April, and Persona 4 in December. Can the world actually handle this much in one year?
Usually. Unless I hate it, then I just beat it, then put it up on eBay.
Sometimes, depend on the game. Ive played through RE4 and Metroid Prime countless timesdo you replay games that you buy?
yes mainly bc of the achievements.geow over 5 timeshalo 3 over 3 timesninja gaiden 2 over 12 timesdevil may cry 4 lost the count but definitely over 10 timesassassins creed over 3 times
After I beat the games I buy I actually put them on the recycling bin and recycle them to help the environment.
Yes... absolutely.. And that is why it pisses me off when games like Gears or maybe even Left 4 Dead eat into a budget.
I only buy a game after I read the review and it has to have solid online, otherwise its just a rent.
Depends. I replayed Crysis a few times, but I wouldn't replay something like CoD:4.
Of course. Most recent one would be after putting in a ton of hours on Persona 3, I found out all the things I had missed and went through yet again getting everything. Next I think I'll re-play either The Answer, or shift to the Shadow Hearts trilogy...haven't played that in a while.
I beat MT's Punch-Out at least once a year.
I replay some of them.
Due to my relatively low gaming budget, I generally play through my games many times-I've played through KotOR at least 6 times by this point, Deus Ex and System Shock 2 over a dozen each, and the rest of my collection two or three times...
Most of them I do, minus a couple. I don't know what it is, but even if I buy a bad game, I now refuse to trade it or sell it. (EX: I bought Terminator 3 and mistook it for The Redemption, player it, beat it, but don't want to trade it in.)
i havn't replayed most of my games. i am wokring on cod 4 and gears of war. but i have beaten re4 a lot of times.
Always. At least once more.
[QUOTE=''kentaro22'']Always. At least once more.[/QUOTE]
depends on the game
I only replay it if i finished it and it was pretty good or if i had a 360 i would do for the GS and acheivments
[QUOTE=''Nirron'']Of course. Most recent one would be after putting in a ton of hours on Persona 3, I found out all the things I had missed and went through yet again getting everything. Next I think I'll re-play either The Answer, or shift to the Shadow Hearts trilogy...haven't played that in a while.[/QUOTE] *heart*
[QUOTE=''Skittles_McGee''][QUOTE=''Nirron'']Of course. Most recent one would be after putting in a ton of hours on Persona 3, I found out all the things I had missed and went through yet again getting everything. Next I think I'll re-play either The Answer, or shift to the Shadow Hearts trilogy...haven't played that in a while.[/QUOTE] *heart*
[/QUOTE] Yeah, this game is I mean, I love Atlus, but oh man, just so much awesomeness crammed into one disc. P.S. Persona 4...2 months, 1 week away. We had FES in April, and Persona 4 in December. Can the world actually handle this much in one year?
Usually. Unless I hate it, then I just beat it, then put it up on eBay.
xbox 360 for less than a 100 quid inUK
sainsburys in blighty are to sell there 360s for 99 quid, so if you want a cheap billbox 360 and you live in the UK get down to good old sainsburys, hopefully this also means they will sell ps3 for less soon as well 360 for less than a 100 quid inUK
yeah the 360 got a 50euro price cut here as well.Arcade consoles are now sold @ 150euros for a limited time. They almost give that stuff away for free.I don't think Sony will follow thoughxbox 360 for less than a 100 quid inUK
I'm so getting one \o/
It's pounds not quid.
[QUOTE=''Neoguru25'']It's pounds not quid.[/QUOTE]Why do you care what slang people use?
Dirt cheap, may have to by one to keep in the bog at this rate 8).
[QUOTE=''Neoguru25'']It's pounds not quid.[/QUOTE]what are you talking about bruv why cant he use the word quid
I dont think sony can afford to drop the price of the ps3 any further at this time.There losing so much money per console sold that it would really hurt them at this point.Maybe once the price of blue ray players come down youll see another ps3 price drop.
seriously if you ever had the feeling you should buy a 360 but hesitated because of the hardware issues or other things, this is the time.the consoles are dirt cheap right now. all SKU's dropped 50euros in price where I live. cheapest is 150%26euro;. awesome deals imo
It really is an awesome price. Its cheaper than a Wii now!
I got the three red light on my launch console yesterday and i was out of warranty. I just went out and got myself a new arcade version.. lol. really cheap
[QUOTE=''nonsoville2'']I got the three red light on my launch console yesterday and i was out of warranty. I just went out and got myself a new arcade version.. lol. really cheap[/QUOTE]you should put the old broken one in the new box and take it back for a refund.
omfg, that's awesome.
Depends if its the premium or the Arcade.My friend got a free 360 when he got his phone on contract, doesn't even have a hard-drive how cheeky is that, he sold it on anyway.
yeah the 360 got a 50euro price cut here as well.Arcade consoles are now sold @ 150euros for a limited time. They almost give that stuff away for free.I don't think Sony will follow thoughxbox 360 for less than a 100 quid inUK
I'm so getting one \o/
It's pounds not quid.
[QUOTE=''Neoguru25'']It's pounds not quid.[/QUOTE]Why do you care what slang people use?
Dirt cheap, may have to by one to keep in the bog at this rate 8).
[QUOTE=''Neoguru25'']It's pounds not quid.[/QUOTE]what are you talking about bruv why cant he use the word quid
I dont think sony can afford to drop the price of the ps3 any further at this time.There losing so much money per console sold that it would really hurt them at this point.Maybe once the price of blue ray players come down youll see another ps3 price drop.
seriously if you ever had the feeling you should buy a 360 but hesitated because of the hardware issues or other things, this is the time.the consoles are dirt cheap right now. all SKU's dropped 50euros in price where I live. cheapest is 150%26euro;. awesome deals imo
It really is an awesome price. Its cheaper than a Wii now!
I got the three red light on my launch console yesterday and i was out of warranty. I just went out and got myself a new arcade version.. lol. really cheap
[QUOTE=''nonsoville2'']I got the three red light on my launch console yesterday and i was out of warranty. I just went out and got myself a new arcade version.. lol. really cheap[/QUOTE]you should put the old broken one in the new box and take it back for a refund.
omfg, that's awesome.
Depends if its the premium or the Arcade.My friend got a free 360 when he got his phone on contract, doesn't even have a hard-drive how cheeky is that, he sold it on anyway.
New Gen or Retro games
TitleJust I prefer new gamesMy friend prefers old schoolNew Gen or Retro games
good thing PS store, XBLA and Wii store exist;) I enjoy both. Still have some of my old consolesNew Gen or Retro games
I enjoy both, but I can honestly say gaming was more exciting for me back in the SNES days.
Both, current favorite games are Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers for NES, MGS4 for PS3, and CS 1.6 for PC. One in the beginning, middle, and end of the spectrum for game release years.
New games are better, but some of the best I have played are retro.
We've had retro already, that's why it's called retro. It's time to keep moving on in the gaming world, like we have been doing for a long time now.
good thing PS store, XBLA and Wii store exist;) I enjoy both. Still have some of my old consolesNew Gen or Retro games
I enjoy both, but I can honestly say gaming was more exciting for me back in the SNES days.
Both, current favorite games are Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers for NES, MGS4 for PS3, and CS 1.6 for PC. One in the beginning, middle, and end of the spectrum for game release years.
New games are better, but some of the best I have played are retro.
We've had retro already, that's why it's called retro. It's time to keep moving on in the gaming world, like we have been doing for a long time now.
Gears of War 2 Developer Diary 4: Enter ...
Epic gives a closer look at brutal new foes. of War 2 Developer Diary 4: Enter ...
The Skorge = awesomeGears of War 2 Developer Diary 4: Enter ...
Dude Huge's opening about the dinosaurs was awesome. I want to pinch his cheeks. o.o
I wanna see RAAM and SKORGE fist it out!! :P
Horde pwn!!!!cheap ink cartridges
The Skorge = awesomeGears of War 2 Developer Diary 4: Enter ...
Dude Huge's opening about the dinosaurs was awesome. I want to pinch his cheeks. o.o
I wanna see RAAM and SKORGE fist it out!! :P
Horde pwn!!!!
Microsoft & Sony = Best of Both Worl ...
I own all gameconsoles that are on the market right now. My Wii I gave away because it just doesn't appeal to me. I was thinking, everybody discusses what is the best console, xbox 360 or PS3, I think they are both great but they would be better if combined together in 1. My opinion: The PS3 has the best hardware, Blue Ray (in the long run it just has more space on a disc and thats the truth), chargeable lightweight controllers (i had to buy recharcheable batteries for the 360 controllers, also for the wii though), less wires and most importantly: It's DAMN QUIET. I absolutely HATE the 360 for the amount of noise it makes. I have the Pro so I don't know if the Elite is more silent, if anybody could answer that for me it would be nice. Downside is: it installs a massive amount of data for almost any game to the point where my hard disc is almost full. I have a 40 GB and 7 games, my favorite is GT 5 P, it costs around 8GB! It has built in wireless internet and I can easily plug my PSP or external Hard Disc onto it. With the 360 you need to buy an extra adapter of 80 just to have xbox live of 60 a year, and I don't even think the 360 has a internet browser. My point is: the PS3 feels so much easier accessible, right now i have a 360 with 60 GB and I still have no way of getting music, movies on it. And I'm not gonna pay for xbox live. To me it's just a gaming machine. Now that I said that I'm not paying for xbox live doesn't mean that i wouldn't want it or that i think it's bad. From what I hear it's way better than the PlayStation Network. The xbox 360 has the best software. The reason why I bought a 360 was because there were some games exclusively for it: Halo 3, Forza 2, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Gears of War 2 coming out. Ad the fact that almost all of Sony's exclusives have gone multi platform for some reason (either Microsoft made them an offer they couldn't refuse or they thought it was more profitable). The reason doesn't matter, the end result is that it made the 360's library the best right now. Personally i bought all my multi games (GTA4, Devil May Cry 4, Soul Calibur 4) for the PS3 for 1 simple reason. It's more quiet! I'm not hating on Microsoft because they have all of Sony's exclusives, I think that's just the developpers' choice. It also happens the other way around: look at Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Assasins Creed and Bioshock. Games that first came out on the 360 now come out on PS3. Don't hate, just be happy you can get the game for both systems. My Conclusion: I like the way the PS3 is designed more than the 360 and if you look at the hardware it's also better. Same goes for the games. I like the way the 360's green games look on the shelf of the store more than the little PS3 games, and in reality, right now the 360's games are better than the PS3's.I just wished Sony %26 Microsoft would team up and together would make the console of the next generation. Let Sony do the Hardware and let Microsoft do the Software. A best of both worlds situation. Yeah I know, that'll never happen:)Microsoft %26amp; Sony = Best of Both Worl ...
$ony and M$ do work together in other markets. But for some reason I don't think it'll happen. :( Be cool if it did. I also want Sega to team up with Nintendo.
Nintendo could keep Sega's act together. :PMicrosoft %26amp; Sony = Best of Both Worl ...
None of the 360 games is made by Microsoft. MS just publishes some in order to impulse exclusive titles and warranty exclusiveness.
Indeed...can't lose when owning both.
Oh yeah
Come on
You get the limo out front (oh oh oh)
Hottest beep, every shoe, every color
Yeah when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers
In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom? )
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird (yeah)
But school's cool 'cause nobody knows [nobody knows]
Yeah you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds
Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazines
The best part is that
You get to be whoever you wanna be
Best... best... yeah the best of both
Best... best... you got the best of both
Best... best... c'mon the best of both
Who would have thought that a girl like me
Would double as a super staaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best
You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together... oh yeah
It's so much better
'Cause you know you've got
The best of both worlds
wtf[QUOTE=''acekall'']Oh yeah
Come on
You get the limo out front (oh oh oh)
Hottest beep, every shoe, every color
Yeah when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers
In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom? )
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird (yeah)
But school's cool 'cause nobody knows [nobody knows]
Yeah you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds
Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazines
The best part is that
You get to be whoever you wanna be
Best... best... yeah the best of both
Best... best... you got the best of both
Best... best... c'mon the best of both
Who would have thought that a girl like me
Would double as a super staaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best
You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together... oh yeah
It's so much better
'Cause you know you've got
The best of both worlds[/QUOTE]wtf? lol :)
[QUOTE=''acekall'']Oh yeah
Come on
You get the limo out front (oh oh oh)
Hottest beep, every shoe, every color
Yeah when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers
In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom? )
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird (yeah)
But school's cool 'cause nobody knows [nobody knows]
Yeah you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds
Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazines
The best part is that
You get to be whoever you wanna be
Best... best... yeah the best of both
Best... best... you got the best of both
Best... best... c'mon the best of both
Who would have thought that a girl like me
Would double as a super staaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best
You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together... oh yeah
It's so much better
'Cause you know you've got
The best of both worlds[/QUOTE]Bravo, you should get MTV music awards
$ony and M$ do work together in other markets. But for some reason I don't think it'll happen. :( Be cool if it did. I also want Sega to team up with Nintendo.
Nintendo could keep Sega's act together. :PMicrosoft %26amp; Sony = Best of Both Worl ...
None of the 360 games is made by Microsoft. MS just publishes some in order to impulse exclusive titles and warranty exclusiveness.
Indeed...can't lose when owning both.
Oh yeah
Come on
You get the limo out front (oh oh oh)
Hottest beep, every shoe, every color
Yeah when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers
In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom? )
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird (yeah)
But school's cool 'cause nobody knows [nobody knows]
Yeah you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds
Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazines
The best part is that
You get to be whoever you wanna be
Best... best... yeah the best of both
Best... best... you got the best of both
Best... best... c'mon the best of both
Who would have thought that a girl like me
Would double as a super staaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best
You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together... oh yeah
It's so much better
'Cause you know you've got
The best of both worlds
wtf[QUOTE=''acekall'']Oh yeah
Come on
You get the limo out front (oh oh oh)
Hottest beep, every shoe, every color
Yeah when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers
In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom? )
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird (yeah)
But school's cool 'cause nobody knows [nobody knows]
Yeah you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds
Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazines
The best part is that
You get to be whoever you wanna be
Best... best... yeah the best of both
Best... best... you got the best of both
Best... best... c'mon the best of both
Who would have thought that a girl like me
Would double as a super staaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best
You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together... oh yeah
It's so much better
'Cause you know you've got
The best of both worlds[/QUOTE]wtf? lol :)
[QUOTE=''acekall'']Oh yeah
Come on
You get the limo out front (oh oh oh)
Hottest beep, every shoe, every color
Yeah when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers
In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom? )
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird (yeah)
But school's cool 'cause nobody knows [nobody knows]
Yeah you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds
Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazines
The best part is that
You get to be whoever you wanna be
Best... best... yeah the best of both
Best... best... you got the best of both
Best... best... c'mon the best of both
Who would have thought that a girl like me
Would double as a super staaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together
And you know that it's the best
You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together... oh yeah
It's so much better
'Cause you know you've got
The best of both worlds[/QUOTE]Bravo, you should get MTV music awards
A console for a hermit.
I'm a PC gamer. Very happy with the games I have.I have not yet bought any console for quite some time, since I was really happy with my trusty PS2. But now I know the PS2's reaching it's limit after quite some time, so I need help in deciding. Help me convince to choose anyone of next gens. I play all kinds of games, so genre is not a big issue to me. Thank you. A console for a hermit.
There is no specific console someone should get if they have a gaming PC its all preference, every console has exclusive you your self need to figure out which ones are enough to justify a purchase.I only needed 4 games to get me to buy my 360... Fable 2, Halo 3, Forza 2, PGR3.A console for a hermit.
Well, the Xbox 360 has the largest library of AA+ exclusive games, but the Wii is better if you want some casual family gaming.
If you've got a good PC then chances are anything on xbox 360 you can get, or will be able to get at some point.So i'd say PS3 or wii.Probably go with the Wii - its the ying for your gaming yang
Either a Wii or a DS. Both have unique games that PC can't offer and they are cheaper than their competitors so you'll have money left for your PC too.
Im a hermit and I own a Wii as my secondary gaming system this gen, it delivers a different experience then the other too consoles the problem is, X360 %26 PS3 are trying so hard to be like the PC. with all these shooters and all that money that put into the graphics of these games, while the Wii steps away from all these tech, most of HD console games are multi-plat, and most of the X360 exclusives have a really high chance of being released at the PC.Mass Effect, Gears and other titles for examples.
Get a PS3, you'll be able to play most of the top 360 games on your PC, at better settings.
[QUOTE=''shalashaska88'']I'm a PC gamer. Very happy with the games I have.I have not yet bought any console for quite some time, since I was really happy with my trusty PS2. But now I know the PS2's reaching it's limit after quite some time, so I need help in deciding. Help me convince to choose anyone of next gens. I play all kinds of games, so genre is not a big issue to me. Thank you. [/QUOTE]If you have a PC you don't need a 360 buy either a ps3 or wii.
As a hermit there was nothing that interested me at all on the PS2 and pretty much the same goes for the PS3. It just depends on what type of games you like, no one can make that decision for you.
There is no specific console someone should get if they have a gaming PC its all preference, every console has exclusive you your self need to figure out which ones are enough to justify a purchase.I only needed 4 games to get me to buy my 360... Fable 2, Halo 3, Forza 2, PGR3.A console for a hermit.
Well, the Xbox 360 has the largest library of AA+ exclusive games, but the Wii is better if you want some casual family gaming.
If you've got a good PC then chances are anything on xbox 360 you can get, or will be able to get at some point.So i'd say PS3 or wii.Probably go with the Wii - its the ying for your gaming yang
Either a Wii or a DS. Both have unique games that PC can't offer and they are cheaper than their competitors so you'll have money left for your PC too.
Im a hermit and I own a Wii as my secondary gaming system this gen, it delivers a different experience then the other too consoles the problem is, X360 %26 PS3 are trying so hard to be like the PC. with all these shooters and all that money that put into the graphics of these games, while the Wii steps away from all these tech, most of HD console games are multi-plat, and most of the X360 exclusives have a really high chance of being released at the PC.Mass Effect, Gears and other titles for examples.
Get a PS3, you'll be able to play most of the top 360 games on your PC, at better settings.
[QUOTE=''shalashaska88'']I'm a PC gamer. Very happy with the games I have.I have not yet bought any console for quite some time, since I was really happy with my trusty PS2. But now I know the PS2's reaching it's limit after quite some time, so I need help in deciding. Help me convince to choose anyone of next gens. I play all kinds of games, so genre is not a big issue to me. Thank you. [/QUOTE]If you have a PC you don't need a 360 buy either a ps3 or wii.
As a hermit there was nothing that interested me at all on the PS2 and pretty much the same goes for the PS3. It just depends on what type of games you like, no one can make that decision for you.
Amazing Killzone 2 beta video
Thanks to my fellow friend killzowed24 for providing me this video from his YouTube account..
and these are true words
''The video despite being a CAM footage makes any game on any console look like trash. Killzone 2 is the most realistic FPS ever made on any console/PC. It was possible due to the power of the CELL processor''
yes and KZ2 and Resistance2 > gears 1.1 like you said my friendAmazing Killzone 2 beta video Linkificationism.Amazing Killzone 2 beta video
Yeah KZ2 and R2 will be great.Gear2 is better on PC.
[EDIT]: Damn low quality mode, I switched it to high quailty mode and it's much better. Much more impressive. :D
Wow, even a youtube video and it still looks awesome.
the graphics are incredible, but I have always been a ''fast-paced'' fps-player. Like counter strike, unreal tournament 2004 and recently cod 4. kz2 looks very tactical but it's not my cup of tea.I'm not dissing the game. I know that kind of graphics can't have 60fps.
Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol:
Thanks to my fellow friend killzowed24 for providing me this video from his YouTube account..
and these are true words
''The video despite being a CAM footage makes any game on any console look like trash. Killzone 2 is the most realistic FPS ever made on any console/PC. It was possible due to the power of the CELL processor''
yes and KZ2 and Resistance2 > gears 1.1 like you said my friend[/QUOTE]1) The graphics look great.2) Gears of War 2 owns Resistance 2 in graphics.3) I still think that Gears of War 2's graphics are more impressive than Killzone 2's.4) Crysis makes Killzone 2 look like a -Nintendo 64 game.
[QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE] Yes it was annoying.
looks good:D
only missing 2 things and AK-47 and a 360 version(I dont have a PS3:()
[QUOTE=''zepman71'']Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE] yup a colossal fanboy indeed
This is old :(. I saw this 3 days ago.The newest footage is 18 minutes long and shows actual gun fights :)
damn so to aim u have to pres R3 i hate that i wish it was L1 or 2 oh well ill probably never get to play it anyways
[QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with killzowned24 comments?
I have to say youtube comments are some of the worse. I wish there was a better quility video.
[QUOTE=''McdonaIdsGuy''][QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with killzowned24 comments?[/QUOTE]Apart from the fact that they are horribly obscene and fanboyish?
[QUOTE=''McdonaIdsGuy''][QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with killzowned24 comments?[/QUOTE]He's an extreme fanboy who's opinion is worth about as much as an empty can of budget baked beans. You actually defend someone who posts like this ...[QUOTE=''RajakarNizamiSyedi'']Mother******
KZ2 rules in Graphics as well as Gameplay. Nothing comes close to it in terms of gameplay. It feels like fighting in real life
sucks to be a bast**d ****ing BOT. Haze is better than Gaylo3. Bastard xbot what happened to Too Crap/Flop Gaiden 2 , Gayers of war 1.1 and Feebleeee 2
KZ2 will kill the Trash box 360 on release[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=''TREAL_Since'']This is old :(. I saw this 3 days ago.The newest footage is 18 minutes long and shows actual gun fights :)[/QUOTE]Nice find.
[QUOTE=''murat8'']damn so to aim u have to pres R3 i hate that i wish it was L1 or 2 oh well ill probably never get to play it anyways[/QUOTE]i think that will be fine, halo does the same thing so im really used to it
I like how when no game matches up to KillZone 2's quality in graphics you always get the fanboys that uses Crysis to compare it against.
Thanks to my fellow friend killzowed24 for providing me this video from his YouTube account..
and these are true words
''The video despite being a CAM footage makes any game on any console look like trash. Killzone 2 is the most realistic FPS ever made on any console/PC. It was possible due to the power of the CELL processor''
yes and KZ2 and Resistance2 > gears 1.1 like you said my friendAmazing Killzone 2 beta video Linkificationism.Amazing Killzone 2 beta video
Yeah KZ2 and R2 will be great.Gear2 is better on PC.
[EDIT]: Damn low quality mode, I switched it to high quailty mode and it's much better. Much more impressive. :D
Wow, even a youtube video and it still looks awesome.
the graphics are incredible, but I have always been a ''fast-paced'' fps-player. Like counter strike, unreal tournament 2004 and recently cod 4. kz2 looks very tactical but it's not my cup of tea.I'm not dissing the game. I know that kind of graphics can't have 60fps.
Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol:
Thanks to my fellow friend killzowed24 for providing me this video from his YouTube account..
and these are true words
''The video despite being a CAM footage makes any game on any console look like trash. Killzone 2 is the most realistic FPS ever made on any console/PC. It was possible due to the power of the CELL processor''
yes and KZ2 and Resistance2 > gears 1.1 like you said my friend[/QUOTE]1) The graphics look great.2) Gears of War 2 owns Resistance 2 in graphics.3) I still think that Gears of War 2's graphics are more impressive than Killzone 2's.4) Crysis makes Killzone 2 look like a -Nintendo 64 game.
[QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE] Yes it was annoying.
looks good:D
only missing 2 things and AK-47 and a 360 version(I dont have a PS3:()
[QUOTE=''zepman71'']Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE] yup a colossal fanboy indeed
This is old :(. I saw this 3 days ago.The newest footage is 18 minutes long and shows actual gun fights :)
damn so to aim u have to pres R3 i hate that i wish it was L1 or 2 oh well ill probably never get to play it anyways
[QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with killzowned24 comments?
I have to say youtube comments are some of the worse. I wish there was a better quility video.
[QUOTE=''McdonaIdsGuy''][QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with killzowned24 comments?[/QUOTE]Apart from the fact that they are horribly obscene and fanboyish?
[QUOTE=''McdonaIdsGuy''][QUOTE=''zepman71''] Did anyone read the video uploaders comment? :lol: [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with killzowned24 comments?[/QUOTE]He's an extreme fanboy who's opinion is worth about as much as an empty can of budget baked beans. You actually defend someone who posts like this ...[QUOTE=''RajakarNizamiSyedi'']Mother******
KZ2 rules in Graphics as well as Gameplay. Nothing comes close to it in terms of gameplay. It feels like fighting in real life
sucks to be a bast**d ****ing BOT. Haze is better than Gaylo3. Bastard xbot what happened to Too Crap/Flop Gaiden 2 , Gayers of war 1.1 and Feebleeee 2
KZ2 will kill the Trash box 360 on release[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=''TREAL_Since'']This is old :(. I saw this 3 days ago.The newest footage is 18 minutes long and shows actual gun fights :)[/QUOTE]Nice find.
[QUOTE=''murat8'']damn so to aim u have to pres R3 i hate that i wish it was L1 or 2 oh well ill probably never get to play it anyways[/QUOTE]i think that will be fine, halo does the same thing so im really used to it
I like how when no game matches up to KillZone 2's quality in graphics you always get the fanboys that uses Crysis to compare it against.
if magaman 9 was made with next gen grap ...
i dont think it would get nearly as much attention if it was made with current gen graphics. Megaman 9 reminds me of a reverse crysis, people love crysis because the graphics are ahead of its time, people love mega man 9 because the graphics are retroif magaman 9 was made with next gen grap ...
nope. people are craving for new retro games for nostalgia. including me.if magaman 9 was made with next gen grap ...
the best graphics technology of today can never replace nostalgia
i also cant realy picture megaman with next gen graphics
megaman would look retarded with Next Gen Graphics..Megaman only shines when he is 2D.
well if it was 3d it most likely would have been terrible
I thought we all loved Mega Man 9 because of its retro graphics
No. It's retroness is what makes it awesome
Nope. The 8 bit graphics are part of the appeal.
[QUOTE=''Cocacolacowboy'']megaman would look retarded with Next Gen Graphics..Megaman only shines when he is 2D.[/QUOTE]Well it could be 2d with next gen graphics. but, still i would not have realy cared about the game if it was
[QUOTE=''VendettaRed07'']well if it was 3d it most likely would have been terrible[/QUOTE]You havent played the Legends games..
[QUOTE=''kage_53''][QUOTE=''VendettaRed07'']well if it was 3d it most likely would have been terrible[/QUOTE]You havent played the Legends games..[/QUOTE]i have and i throught they were bad
[QUOTE=''Heydanbud92'']nope. people are craving for new retro games for nostalgia. including me.[/QUOTE] I agree, though I didn't download Megaman 9, I felt like playing some old school games after all the reviews for this game.
probably not but the 16bit megaman games and graphics were far cooler than the 8bit ones. They shouldve used 16bit.
[QUOTE=''blues35301'']probably not but the 16bit megaman games and graphics were far cooler than the 8bit ones. They shouldve used 16bit.[/QUOTE] Although I like Magaman 9 as it is, I also agree the 16bit Magaman games were way better.
Bionic Commando: Rearmed?
I've always preffered the 8 and 16 bit megamen graphics.
They should have just kept the sprites from Rockman %26 Forte and Rockman 8 and made the menus HD. Also, having more than 8 bosses would have been great too.
i downloaded the demo for mega man 9, i like the ''8 bit style'' but it did not look truly 8 bit, the NES could not handle megaman 9. I was a little disapointed i was expecting it to look exactly like the NES, however the sound i loved.
retro is all the appeal of this game, now all I want is a 16 bit Sonic 4
nope. people are craving for new retro games for nostalgia. including me.if magaman 9 was made with next gen grap ...
the best graphics technology of today can never replace nostalgia
i also cant realy picture megaman with next gen graphics
megaman would look retarded with Next Gen Graphics..Megaman only shines when he is 2D.
well if it was 3d it most likely would have been terrible
I thought we all loved Mega Man 9 because of its retro graphics
No. It's retroness is what makes it awesome
Nope. The 8 bit graphics are part of the appeal.
[QUOTE=''Cocacolacowboy'']megaman would look retarded with Next Gen Graphics..Megaman only shines when he is 2D.[/QUOTE]Well it could be 2d with next gen graphics. but, still i would not have realy cared about the game if it was
[QUOTE=''VendettaRed07'']well if it was 3d it most likely would have been terrible[/QUOTE]You havent played the Legends games..
[QUOTE=''kage_53''][QUOTE=''VendettaRed07'']well if it was 3d it most likely would have been terrible[/QUOTE]You havent played the Legends games..[/QUOTE]i have and i throught they were bad
[QUOTE=''Heydanbud92'']nope. people are craving for new retro games for nostalgia. including me.[/QUOTE] I agree, though I didn't download Megaman 9, I felt like playing some old school games after all the reviews for this game.
probably not but the 16bit megaman games and graphics were far cooler than the 8bit ones. They shouldve used 16bit.
[QUOTE=''blues35301'']probably not but the 16bit megaman games and graphics were far cooler than the 8bit ones. They shouldve used 16bit.[/QUOTE] Although I like Magaman 9 as it is, I also agree the 16bit Magaman games were way better.
Bionic Commando: Rearmed?
I've always preffered the 8 and 16 bit megamen graphics.
They should have just kept the sprites from Rockman %26 Forte and Rockman 8 and made the menus HD. Also, having more than 8 bosses would have been great too.
i downloaded the demo for mega man 9, i like the ''8 bit style'' but it did not look truly 8 bit, the NES could not handle megaman 9. I was a little disapointed i was expecting it to look exactly like the NES, however the sound i loved.
retro is all the appeal of this game, now all I want is a 16 bit Sonic 4
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