Not really, this game i'm keeping an eye for. If the story is more of the SO1/SO2 type.New Star Ocean Last Hope Screens
this looks great
[QUOTE=''kentaro22'']Downgrade!? Not really, this game i'm keeping an eye for. If the story is more of the SO1/SO2 type.[/QUOTE]its a prequal to the story.
[QUOTE=''PS3Breeder''][QUOTE=''kentaro22'']Downgrade!? Not really, this game i'm keeping an eye for. If the story is more of the SO1/SO2 type.[/QUOTE]its a prequal to the story.[/QUOTE]
I know. But they also said they were going more for a SO3 type of storyline... I hope not.
I've never played a Star Ocean game, but I may have to pick this up. It looks pretty good.
That last screen is really nice. Like, amazingly nice.
Looks really good. Unlike The Last Remnant, I'm really interested in this one.
I also havent played a star ocean game before, will I have to play one to understand this game? Also is it turn base or real time?
[QUOTE=''Steakdinner'']I also havent played a star ocean game before, will I have to play one to understand this game? Also is it turn base or real time? [/QUOTE]
Real time with menus. You can do combos also. SO3 had the 3D fighting gameplay right, now if they don't mess up with the story, characters and voices (oh my ears SO3!) this may well be a JRPG masterpiece.
I might have to buy a 360 just for this game.
This isnt turn-based correct? It all looks good, but I feel like it should look better from some reason. And I hate how there going with the ''guys are indistinguishable from girls'' character design.
[QUOTE=''kentaro22''][QUOTE=''Steakdinner''] I also havent played a star ocean game before, will I have to play one to understand this game? Also is it turn base or real time? [/QUOTE] Real time with menus. You can do combos also. SO3 had the 3D fighting gameplay right, now if they don't mess up with the story, characters and voices (oh my ears SO3!) this may well be a JRPG masterpiece. I might have to buy a 360 just for this game.[/QUOTE]Whats that supposed to mean? :? Is it supposed to be the same as SO3's gameplay? If so, I could just watch some gameplay vids on youtube.
Character models look great, everything else looks decent.
I've beaten 2 and 3, waiting for the PSP remake of 1, I really, really, really, really hope this turns out well, I haven't truely enjoyed a Tri-Ace game since Star Ocean 3, and that was so long ago, they made a lot of mediocre PS2 games, I'm playing Infinite Undiscovery now, its alright.. but no where close to what I expect from Star Ocean level, they have yet to screw up a Star Ocean game so I have hope, but they also haven't made a truely epic title in a while, as long as it scores anywhere above like a 6, I'm picking it up for sure anyway, but I really really do hope its good.
I'm sure it will look great, but that amount of AA would be something I more than would love to see in the actual game... shame it won't be. :(
I can't wait for it
[QUOTE=''yoshi_64'']I'm sure it will look great, but that amount of AA would be something I more than would love to see in the actual game... shame it won't be. :( [/QUOTE] True... this is why everything should be on PC. :o
[QUOTE=''yoshi_64'']I'm sure it will look great, but that amount of AA would be something I more than would love to see in the actual game... shame it won't be. :( [/QUOTE]doesnt this shot look stunning ?
[QUOTE=''PS3Breeder''][QUOTE=''yoshi_64'']I'm sure it will look great, but that amount of AA would be something I more than would love to see in the actual game... shame it won't be. :( [/QUOTE]doesnt this shot look stunning ?[/QUOTE] Your response confuses me.He noted that these screenshots seemed to show incredible AA, yet more than likely, there will be little to none in the actual game. Thus, these screenshots are deceptive.You responded with one of the screenshots. This doesn't make sense to me.
[QUOTE=''PS3Breeder''][QUOTE=''yoshi_64'']I'm sure it will look great, but that amount of AA would be something I more than would love to see in the actual game... shame it won't be. :( [/QUOTE]doesnt this shot look stunning ?
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