System Shock 2, especially on the ''Impossible'' difficulty. *shudders*The scariest game you have ever played
Code Veronica on the Dreamcast scared the hell out of me.
System Shock 2, Aliens vs Predator, Penumbra Overture %26 Black Plague, STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, Thief 1-3 (not your traditional BOO!-in-your-face scary, but tense as hell)
I've never really been scared in a game. The closest I've ever come though was in Stalker. Imagine this. You've killed a bunch of guys in a dark hallway, and you've seen it all before. So you have all confidence you'll be alright. Then you hear the roar of a bloodsucker right behind you. And you wet your pants.
System Shock 2, Alien vs. Predator 2, Silent Hill 2 (Lots of '2's here...) and just recently, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway.
I think it would be Silent hill 2 or Fatal Frame 2.
fatal frame
Fatal Frame II: The Crimson Butterfly.
F.E.A.R was too linear. Little girls with long hair in front of their face has been in too many movies. For me, it was Silent Hill 2. I played it a little, until I found out that I hated to be scared like that.
[QUOTE=''organic_machine'']I've never really been scared in a game. The closest I've ever come though was in Stalker. Imagine this. You've killed a bunch of guys in a dark hallway, and you've seen it all before. So you have all confidence you'll be alright. Then you hear the roar of a bloodsucker right behind you. And you wet your pants. [/QUOTE] I hate Bloosuckers. No, really, I despise them. They are so damn quiet, and they screw with your head.
i dont play many scary games. last scary game i played was Resi 4, which really isnt scary
Fatal Frame 2 definitely
Silent Hill 3 and Fatal Frame 2, i really like the atmosphere and i like to get inmerse into it
Silent Hill 2. I remember one moment seeing Pyramid Hear staring at me through some bars, and then the next moment, he was gone.That and STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl. The first bloodsucker encounter is startling.
[QUOTE=''Verge_6''][QUOTE=''organic_machine'']I've never really been scared in a game. The closest I've ever come though was in Stalker. Imagine this. You've killed a bunch of guys in a dark hallway, and you've seen it all before. So you have all confidence you'll be alright. Then you hear the roar of a bloodsucker right behind you. And you wet your pants. [/QUOTE] I hate Bloosuckers. No, really, I despise them. They are so damn quiet, and they screw with your head. [/QUOTE]And also the fact that you can't kill them when they're invisible means my grenades and sniper rifle aren't going to help me!:cry:
[QUOTE=''Verge_6'']Alien vs. Predator 2[/QUOTE]I remember the first one. It was just too damn scary not to play as the Aliens. :P
Silent Hill 2. I'll describe why with a single picture:
I've recently been playind Condemned 2 Bloodshot and it is pretty scary. Especially at night. *tear
[QUOTE=''organic_machine''][QUOTE=''Verge_6''][QUOTE=''organic_machine'']I've never really been scared in a game. The closest I've ever come though was in Stalker. Imagine this. You've killed a bunch of guys in a dark hallway, and you've seen it all before. So you have all confidence you'll be alright. Then you hear the roar of a bloodsucker right behind you. And you wet your pants. [/QUOTE] I hate Bloosuckers. No, really, I despise them. They are so damn quiet, and they screw with your head. [/QUOTE]And also the fact that you can't kill them when they're invisible means my grenades and sniper rifle aren't going to help me!:cry: [/QUOTE] Oh, the number of times I'd find accidentally wander into the Bloodsucker Villiage at night. All would be quiet, then I'd hear the roar, the two beady white eyes charging towards. I'd scream, fire the entire clip of my AK-74 into the damned thing, and it's STILL coming.
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