Personally I think the talent they have on it is too great for just an expansion pack, MS has something brewing. I'm thinking that they have some new cycle of Gears of War, Halo 3, Gears of War 2, New Halo Game, Gears of War 3, etc.
People who don't know read [url=;title;5]here[/url]
''As reported by Gamasutra, Metal Gear Solid 4 assistant producer Ryan Payton has joined an entirely different ''MGS'' team as a freshly minted Microsoft employee. Payton is the latest addition to a team that has also recently added David Wu, formerly of Full Auto developer Pseudo Interactive, Gearbox programmer Corrinne Yu, id Software's Kenneth Scott, and Halo scribe Frank O'Connor.''
Halo is bigger then God of War and Killzone. We all know that. If you want to play the reviews game all three Halo games have scored higher then God of War and Killzone (obviously)
I'm not fanboy, just a realist. No denying cows.This new Halo game means MS wins 2009
god of war says hello!This new Halo game means MS wins 2009
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE]God of War says lower reviews overall and sales then Halo series
LOL you didn't have to follow in that other guy footsteps.
[QUOTE=''Toriko42''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE]God of War says lower reviews overall and sales then Halo series[/QUOTE]dude i dont play sales and god of war has scored fine A+[2] Eurogamer 9/10[3] GameSpot 9.3/10[4] GameSpy 5/5[5] IGN 9.8/10[6] Aggregate scores Aggregator Score Game Rankings 93%[8] Metacritic 94/100[7]look at how well the first one did
I've grown tired of Halo, I can play CE but outside of CE the franchise is pretty stale. How Halo 3 was so well recieved I don't have a clue.
Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.
If Gears 3 and A new Halo do get released on the 360 than the 360 has won! That would totally destroy anything the PS3 can throw at them.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Damn straight!
am i the other guy?
You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles
[QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well
Totally depends man, what if Sony markets a price drop on PS3 along side GOW 3 release, then even the release of this game wont off set that storm. And its not likely that every HALO named game will be an instant AAA title. Im guessing that you wont play as master chief in this game, and bungie is going to be taking a new spin to it? So yes die hard halo fans will get this without a second thought, but those who have been disillusioned by halo 3 will be paying close attention to reviews b4 its purchase (lets at least admit that a good deal of halo 3 owners didnt think it lived up to the hype entirely). So my guess is that this game wont warrent huge pre-orders, and not as big of a opening day release blow out, but it will still sell.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]I didn't downplay God of War, I just said Halo overall has scored better and sold more.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE] Resident Evil 5 says hello with an added shotgun to the face!
[QUOTE=''princeofshapeir''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']god of war says hello![/QUOTE] Resident Evil 5 says hello with an added shotgun to the face! [/QUOTE] AHH RE5 i have to say re is my favorite franchise
[QUOTE=''Toriko42''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]I didn't downplay God of War, I just said Halo overall has scored better and sold more. [/QUOTE] well then my apologies for the misunderstanding
I think it's a little too early to make such a statement.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''Toriko42'']You wanna play this game? Ok, let's play Animal Mother
God of War average on gamerankings: 93.3
God of War 2 average on gamerankings: 92.6
Halo 3 average on gamerankings: 93.4
Halo average on gamerankings: 95.5
Halo 2 average on gamerankings: 94.4
[QUOTE=''bladeeagle'']Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 and some new Valve game say hello.[/QUOTE]Talkin consoles[/QUOTE] now you were tootin your horn like god of war was some low scorin game, i came in to show you that the game has scored well [/QUOTE]God of War is a great game, God of War 2 is a great game, but is it going to sell like MGS4? Not likely. So if MGS4 didnt deliver Sony the win over 360 this year, you still expect GOW3 to give SONY an automatic win in 2009?
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