It's no longer a hardcore platformer; the game instead feels skewed toward a younger (or at least wider) audience -- although we're pretty confident that series diehards will still find it enjoyable (especially the vehicle creation). We'll have multiplayer impressions next week; until then, check out these latest screens and video of wild bear-bird (or is it bird-bear?) action.
[QUOTE=''SecretPolice'']I dunno about many of you but the more I see, the more I think I'll love this type of game - less classic platforming or not it looks %26 sounds like a blast. :DFor SW purposes ;) this game will move more 360's then will LBP move PS3's this holiday - Bank on it. got to spend a little more time behind the controls of Rare's re-invention of its Mario-esque N64 platforming series and ... it was pretty much a more polished version of what we tried out at E3. The vehicle creation element of the game is still its most endearing aspect by far, and we continue to be struck by the non-platform-game-ness of it all. (What with Kazooie being relegated to wielding a wrench and the fact that most of the game is based around purpose-built vehicles.)
It's no longer a hardcore platformer; the game instead feels skewed toward a younger (or at least wider) audience -- although we're pretty confident that series diehards will still find it enjoyable (especially the vehicle creation). We'll have multiplayer impressions next week; until then, check out these latest screens and video of wild bear-bird (or is it bird-bear?) action.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']the game looks lame to me at least and theonly reason it'll move systems is becauseof stupid parents buying it for there kids, and becauseof peoples nostalgia for banjo[/QUOTE]
Don't quote bunches of pictures.
Why do you feel only ''stupid parents'' are going to buy the game for their kids? Do you have to be stupid to like this game?
Your link should be for the game, looks really good to me, but I don't see it as pushing more systems than LBP, not the least important is the amount of advertisements for the two products. Sony is pushing LBP where as MS is not really pushing Banjo a whole lot anymore.
OP you wish it could sell more :POn topic. Screens looking good, cant wait for this. I vote for longer days becuse 24 hours just isnt enough time for all the games i'll be getting soon.
''It's no longer a hardcore platformer; the game instead feels skewed toward a younger (or at least wider) audience'' [/QUOTE]Oh no Banjo's been kiddified!!! It's the Wii's fault no no doubt! :evil: I BLAME THE Wii!!!!!!!
[QUOTE=''musicalmac''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']the game looks lame to me at least and theonly reason it'll move systems is becauseof stupid parents buying it for there kids, and becauseof peoples nostalgia for banjo[/QUOTE] Don't quote bunches of pictures. Why do you feel only ''stupid parents'' are going to buy the game for their kids? Do you have to be stupid to like this game?[/QUOTE]because i visit my gamestoponce a week, and that's all i really see, parents who get suckered in by a kid who think a game looks appealing and it could be [just not to me], and i also said people with a nostalgia for banjoEDIT: sorry i quoted the pictures, for some reason i can't see them when im logged instrangelywhen I copy and paste a link into safari [using firefox] i can see the pictures
[QUOTE=''SecretPolice''] I dunno about many of you but the more I see, the more I think I'll love this type of game - less classic platforming or not it looks %26 sounds like a blast. :DFor SW purposes ;) this game will move more 360's then will LBP move PS3's this holiday - Bank on it. We got to spend a little more time behind the controls of Rare's re-invention of its Mario-esque N64 platforming series and ... it was pretty much a more polished version of what we tried out at E3. The vehicle creation element of the game is still its most endearing aspect by far, and we continue to be struck by the non-platform-game-ness of it all. (What with Kazooie being relegated to wielding a wrench and the fact that most of the game is based around purpose-built vehicles.)
It's no longer a hardcore platformer; the game instead feels skewed toward a younger (or at least wider) audience -- although we're pretty confident that series diehards will still find it enjoyable (especially the vehicle creation). We'll have multiplayer impressions next week; until then, check out these latest screens and video of wild bear-bird (or is it bird-bear?) action.[/QUOTE]I don't understand why people are still trying to compare this game to a game that came out 10 years ago. Yes we know it isn't like the old Banjo games, OBVIOUSLY!
As much as I love the N64 games, I don't think there is anything that could make me get this game.Maybe if it was a new conker game....
[QUOTE=''carlisledavid79''] OP you wish it could sell more :POn topic. Screens looking good, cant wait for this. I vote for longer days becuse 24 hours just isnt enough time for all the games i'll be getting soon. [/QUOTE]:lol: I'm with you all the way on the - not enough time in the day part. :)
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''musicalmac''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']the game looks lame to me at least and theonly reason it'll move systems is becauseof stupid parents buying it for there kids, and becauseof peoples nostalgia for banjo[/QUOTE] Don't quote bunches of pictures. Why do you feel only ''stupid parents'' are going to buy the game for their kids? Do you have to be stupid to like this game?[/QUOTE]because i visit my gamestoponce a week, and that's all i really see, parents who get suckered in by a kid who think a game looks appealing and it could be [just not to me], and i also said people with a nostalgia for banjoEDIT: sorry i quoted the pictures, for some reason i can't see them when im logged instrangelywhen I copy and paste a link into safari [using firefox] i can see the pictures[/QUOTE]Using a single game store as your basis for who is buying games in the world is a pretty poor generalization.
[QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''musicalmac''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']the game looks lame to me at least and theonly reason it'll move systems is becauseof stupid parents buying it for there kids, and becauseof peoples nostalgia for banjo[/QUOTE] Don't quote bunches of pictures. Why do you feel only ''stupid parents'' are going to buy the game for their kids? Do you have to be stupid to like this game?[/QUOTE]because i visit my gamestoponce a week, and that's all i really see, parents who get suckered in by a kid who think a game looks appealing and it could be [just not to me], and i also said people with a nostalgia for banjoEDIT: sorry i quoted the pictures, for some reason i can't see them when im logged instrangelywhen I copy and paste a link into safari [using firefox] i can see the pictures[/QUOTE]Using a single game store as your basis for who is buying games in the world is a pretty poor generalization.[/QUOTE]its what i see, i cant form anopinion anyother way, and im sure it happens inother stores.
[QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''] [QUOTE=''Animal-Mother''][QUOTE=''musicalmac''][QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']the game looks lame to me at least and theonly reason it'll move systems is becauseof stupid parents buying it for there kids, and becauseof peoples nostalgia for banjo[/QUOTE] Don't quote bunches of pictures. Why do you feel only ''stupid parents'' are going to buy the game for their kids? Do you have to be stupid to like this game?[/QUOTE] because i visit my gamestoponce a week, and that's all i really see, parents who get suckered in by a kid who think a game looks appealing and it could be [just not to me], and i also said people with a nostalgia for banjo EDIT: sorry i quoted the pictures, for some reason i can't see them when im logged instrangelywhen I copy and paste a link into safari [using firefox] i can see the pictures[/QUOTE]Using a single game store as your basis for who is buying games in the world is a pretty poor generalization.[/QUOTE]No doubt about it. This along with Fable 2 is my most anticipated game for 2008 and me no youngster, nope, not by a long shot. :cry:
Seems to me the only reason this game is even on the radar at all is because of nostalgia for Banjo and Rare. Overall this game looks ugly.
[QUOTE=''Animal-Mother'']its what i see, i cant form anopinion anyother way, and im sure it happens inother stores.[/QUOTE]Widen your world-view a bit.
[QUOTE=''SecretPolice''][QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''] [[/QUOTE]Using a single game store as your basis for who is buying games in the world is a pretty poor generalization.[/QUOTE]No doubt about it. This along with Fable 2 is my most anticipated game for 2008 and me no youngster, nope, not by a long shot. :cry:[/QUOTE]i'll definatly pick up fable 2 when it goes down in price, looks decent not too appealing tome but got someother games higheron m list right now
I really can't see the appeal. Then again, I've never played any of the B-K games. I doubt it'll move more systems than LBP.
[QUOTE=''EmperorSupreme''] Seems to me the only reason this game is even on the radar at all is because of nostalgia for Banjo and Rare. Overall this game looks ugly.[/QUOTE]Opinions being what they are; I couldn't disagree more and think the game is absolutely shaping up to outdo Rares best visuals ever and that being Kameo.
[QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''] Your link should be for the game, looks really good to me, but I don't see it as pushing more systems than LBP, not the least important is the amount of advertisements for the two products. Sony is pushing LBP where as MS is not really pushing Banjo a whole lot anymore.[/QUOTE]:oops: fouled up - I shall correct, thanks.
[QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose'']Your link should be for the game, looks really good to me, but I don't see it as pushing more systems than LBP, not the least important is the amount of advertisements for the two products. Sony is pushing LBP where as MS is not really pushing Banjo a whole lot anymore.[/QUOTE]
Banjo Kazooie won't because it is not a franchise that is recognized by many gamers as being an Xbox series, most of the true Banjo fans like myself are Nintendo fans, however Banjo Kazooie is another reason why I am getting a 360 because I feel that isn't a series that should be ignored by gamers. Things that will make the new Banjo Kazooie great are the same things that the predecessors had, the fun music, goofy storyline and the overall somewhat childish charm that made them a blast. If Rare tries to get too mature and make Banjo Kazooie more 'with the times' a lot of Nintendo Banjo fans won't convert for it and it won't get the reception from kids and parents that the originals did.
That said, I don't think Banjo Kazooie is necessarily a kids game, it has childish themes and is generally really goofy but even young adults and teenagers can enjoy it as well as the parents.
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