Saturday, April 10, 2010

The 10 point score system is actually BI ...

The good 5 point scale:

4= pretty good
3= average
2= pretty bad
1= horrible piece of trash

The unnecassary 10 point scale:

9= pretty good
8= average
7= pretty bad
6= horrible piece of trash

Its pretty easy to see that 5 point scoring is more than adequate, besides its someones else opinion aways. So anyone who still complains about this issue, is now pwned, Xbox360/Wii >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS3, etc.

Have a good day : )
The 10 point score system is actually BI ...
Your right in the sense that an average game shouldnt be an 7.5-8.  I prefer the 10 point scale in theory becuase it gives a more precise score.  The 10 point score system is actually BI ...
In a 5 point scale, a 8.6 game is equal to a 9.4 game. So C+C:gens and CoH could both get 5s or 4s, yet CoH is WAY better.
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You are kinda right, anything below a 6 is generally disregarded anyway.
Oh this is gonna be interesting...
I disagree. The 10 point system allows for more precision in scoring. Honestly, I'd prefer a system in which there is no numerical scores.
Wok7 eh.....
But only the 10 point scale can do 720 and 1080 HD right out of the box. How come we don't ever hear the 5 point scale doing HD???
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No way, a 10 point scale is far better. I'd even argue for a 100 point system or a 10 with a .1 scale
[QUOTE=''XturnalS'']But only the 10 point scale can do 720 and 1080 HD right out of the box. How come we don't ever hear the 5 point scale doing HD???[/QUOTE]:lol:/Thread
Wow if thats how you think the 10 scale works, you are HORRIBLY HORRIBLY mistaken. 8 average? 7 pretty bad? 6 horrible piece of trash? Oh dear..
Was this bump necessary?
Lol wok7, good times, good times...
Aww man for a split second I thought he was unbanned.
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[QUOTE=''agentfred'']Your right in the sense that an average game shouldnt be an 7.5-8. I prefer the 10 point scale in theory becuase it gives a more precise score.[/QUOTE] Me, from eight months ago. My how things have changed...By the way, why was this resurrected?
Lol, I was like, oh no, it's the infamous Wok7.

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