Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why buy a Wii??

Convince me to buy one or hell 2.Why buy a Wii??
Hmm why buy a Wii.....Zelda? or i don't know really :/Why buy a Wii??
If you wanted a Wii in the first place, you wouldn't ask people to convince you.
Its cheap and very fun.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''Tony-Baxter'']Convince me to buy one or hell 2.[/QUOTE]why do we need to convince you, not like we'll gain anything if you buy one. If you like it you buy it if you dont like it you dont buy it, its that simple
''Why buy a Wii??''because some people like and want to play wii games.I'm not one of them but I understand other people like it.
buy a wii or i will find you and make your life a living hellhows that for convincing
I have kidnapped all of your loved ones. I will return them safely when you buy a Wii.

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