Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Who will win the war?

Phony, Kidtendo, or Minisoft?Who will win the war?
WiiWho will win the war?
Joe Sakic will win the System Wars. Twice.
I'm guessing that your supposedly funny take on the console names was supposed to be the main draw to this thread???  I feel gypped...
for the next 3 years wii followed close by xbox360 and ps3 after that 360 and ps3 duke it out with wii trailing by a good margin
Think Sony will win but they will not lead so much like they did with Ps2. In 2008-2009 Ps3 will pass 360 in sales.
two words:

          Chuck Norris

[QUOTE=''Rollingstones7'']two words:

          Chuck Norris

I'm going to agree with Rollingstones7 on this one.
**** graphics.  Presentation-wise, wii is the most next gen out of all of them....In any case, whichever console in the end garners the most 3rd party support, and ultimately from that the most sales, wins.  Nintendo has most of the Japanese market, Microsoft has most of the US market.  They'll either finish close or one will succeed by good games in capturing the other's.QUOTE ME NOW:  PS3 doesn't stand a chance.
[QUOTE=''justdog11'']**** graphics.  Presentation-wise, wii is the most next gen out of all of them....In any case, whichever console in the end garners the most 3rd party support, and ultimately from that the most sales, wins.  Nintendo has most of the Japanese market, Microsoft has most of the US market.  They'll either finish close or one will succeed by good games in capturing the other's.QUOTE ME NOW:  PS3 doesn't stand a chance.[/QUOTE]

I do like your arguments. However, I would like to argue you on this case. It seems as thoughj Nintendo will be mainly 1st party support, as I main must have games right now are Super Smash Bros. next and Super Mario Galaxy. I haven't seen a good chunck of 3rd party hit the Nintendo just yet, and it still seems like 1st party.

Microsoft does have better ports of the games, but they are still coming to the PS3. I believe that most people wanting a PS3 can not afford one, and are waiting for a price drop. All of my friends want one, but it's just too much for a gaming console, so if the same 3rd parties are hitting for both consoles, then expect an equal match between the two.

Playstation 3 on the other hand, still has some of the best 3rd party support. DMC4, MGS4, FFXIII, and the other 3rd party exclusives are heading to the console exclusively so far. That may change, but I seriously doubt it. Base on your statements, it seems as though the PS3 has just as much of a chance as the other two consoles.

The main point here is with the technology. What if Blu-Ray kicks off and makes it's way to be the medium across the world? It's already spreading all over the place, so if this appears to be an extremely popular format, then expect the PS3 to be at a major advantage.
Depends on what you mean by win.  Most games? Most exclusive franshises? Most units sold? 1st (or last) to update their hardware?For me, games are the only thing that matter, so I'm guessing that overall the #1 and #2 will be DS and Wii. As they will have the most exclusive content. Sony and MS will fight over the scraps, missing the big picture as spectacularly as they are now.The only this will change is if ''something'' comes out of nowhere to change the momentum (as GTA3 did for the last gen)
Wii - because gameplay>graphics.... and wii is more fun to the casual gamer.''Hardcore'' gamers buy a game and play it until they ''master'' it.  Casual gamers will buy more discs.
I thought the war was over, didn't america win?
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xbox 360
My reply is 20 months late but I'll say ''Kidtendo''.
The Iraq.
1 - Nintendo2 - Microsoft3 - Sony

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